
Our school was inspected in March 2023 and was judged to be a GOOD school.

The inspector said "This is a friendly, nurturing and welcoming school. Pupils are happy to come here and said that staff are caring. Pupils behave well in lessons and the playground and are kind to each other. Staff have high ambitions for all pupils. Pupils study a broad range of subjects. Leaders strive for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to achieve their very best."

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are not worried about bullying because adults deal with any concerns immediately. Pupils are safe and can always talk to staff about any worries they may have. Working relationships between adults and pupils are warm... Teachers plan exciting activities to enrich pupils’ learning experiences... The school’s curriculum is well planned and sequenced. It sets out what pupils should learn, and when, in each subject. It is balanced and ambitious. Leaders have thought carefully about the order in which subject content is taught. 

We are particularly proud that our strong community was acknowledged: "There is a strong sense of community in the school. Parents and carers greatly appreciated the positive communication they have with staff."

Our support of childrne with Special Needs was also highlighted: "Leaders ensure that the school provides effective support for pupils with SEND. They identify and meet the needs of pupils with SEND well. This includes working closely with parents, who valued the school’s work to support their children. Pupils with SEND are well supported by teachers who make appropriate adaptations to support their learning."

To view our Ofsted Inspection reports click here.

To view our school's DfE performance table click here.