The Arts

We have a specialist music teacher who works with all classes on singing, music appreciation, movement and percussion.  In most terms all classes from Nursery to Year 2 take part in a celebration assembly for parents showcasing their singing linked to learning or the time of year e.g. the Summer Concert.

The arts play a big part in our curriculum at Belmont Infant School. We see dance, drama, music and the visual arts as fundamental to cultural engagement and personal development.  Artistic experiences fuel imagination and in turn imagination fuels creativity. Our learning and outdoor environment stimulates creativity and innovation to enable our children to unleash their imagination. We believe that by developing skills in creative and performing arts we develop a child's individuality and self-confidence. 

All teachers carefully plan an art or design based sequence of activities leading to a creative outcome.  These are linked to the class themes.  For example when studying dinosaurs in Reception the children closely observe a range of fossils, experiment with using different media for dark and light, and finally produce charcoal sketches.  In Year 1 whilst learning about animals, the children observe an African land snail, look at photos, paintings and sculptures of snails then used the technique 'collography' to print and paint a snail.

See: Art at Belmont Infants 2021

See: Design Technology at Belmont Infants 2022

See: Music at Belmont Infants 2022

NEW  - we are excited to share new art website where you can find creative inspiration and a place for art work from our community to be shared! Visit