Early Years Foundation Stage
Starting at Belmont will be a big step for you and your child and may be the first time that your child will leave the care they have had at home. We hope that the following information, together with the parents evening and afternoon tea party will answer many of your questions about the way the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) works. The EYFS is made up of two Reception classes and one Nursery catering for both part-time and full-time children.
In Nursery and Reception:
We aim to give children the opportunity to experience the very best possible start to their education. Early years’ education is a distinct and valuable phase. The Foundation Stage, sets high expectations and standards for Nursery and Reception children. It will underpin all future learning by supporting, fostering and promoting and developing children’s:
Personal, social and emotional development
Communication, language and literacy skills
Mathematical development
Knowledge and understanding of the world
Physical development
Creative development
We welcome the fact that our children come from a community rich in cultural and ethnic diversity and we value their contributions to our school. In addition we are privileged to be in partnership with the Vale Inclusion Scheme which provides mainstream education for children with physical disabilities. The scheme promotes awareness and respect for each other and an understanding of difference and disability.