Belmont Families

Belmont Families is a parent/carer school association whose aim is to raise funds for school enrichment activities, ensuring an equal experience for all children within the school community. It also aims to celebrate and promote our diverse school community to create a friendly, inclusive environment and of course provide extra opportunities to have fun at school!

Our association is about much more than simply fundraising. It exists to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal.

Everyone with responsibility for a child attending either of the two schools is automatically a member of Belmont Families. All teachers and support staff employed by the two schools and the Vale resource base are also members

We actively fundraise and run social events throughout the year whilst continuously exploring new ways of supporting the school, inspiring our children and lifting their aspirations. Some of our most popular events are cake sales, the Christmas fair, a quiz night and the Summer fair. In 2019/20 we held our first school disco which was extremely popular with the children.

Money we raise goes towards library books, enrichment activities  and subsidizing school trips to keep costs low for families.

Belmont Families - an introduction Autumn 2021

How do we keep you up to date?

Our newsletters are sent by email and includes information on upcoming events and dates as well as details of the help we are looking for at larger events. 

Posters and news are displayed throughout the school and class reps are listed on noticeboards at the beginning of each school year.

What is a class rep?

Class reps are vital to our success and are the link between parents, teachers and the Belmont Families committee.

They spread the word about Belmont Families activities within their class, organise and run bake sales, pass ideas from their class back to the committee and have been known to arrange social events for their class too!

You don’t have to be at the school gate every day to be an effective class rep and the role can be shared.

How can you get involved?

   Like us on Facebook.