Tremulous (General)

A general list of bugs that have not been fixed in the following versions of Tremulous:

1.1 (Absolute Vanilla, the version you get from

1.1 Updated Vanilla (Slacker's, Lakitu7's etc. upgrade patches. If this tag is used the bug may be available in default 1.1 as well)

1.2 GPP (All Versions)

Both 1.1 and GPP (Global, has not been fixed in GPP and updated 1.1 versions. Generally excludes Absolute Vanilla 1.1)

test7341 ( (This tag is specific to the Test7341 server, which is a specialised multi-protocol server for testing)

Severity levels range from 1 to 5 where 1 is negligible (does not effect gameplay and/or stability) while 5 is severe (fixing may improve gameplay and/or stability significantly)


bg = both game (client and server side, in particular physics)

cg = client-game, similar to bg but more client-orientated.

g = server side (gameplay balances, damage counters as such)

cl = client side

r_ visual rendering

sv = server side, miscellaneous

snd = sound rendering

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