Finally grabbed myself a Bandcamp account

Post date: Nov 03, 2015 1:46:54 PM

For starters I've uploaded my "Grind Your Ears" track that I made on FamiTracker over two years ago however it is rendered on 0CC-FamiTracker for the somewhat higher-quality "feeling" due to the lack of audio clipping and audio bugs that existed in FT.

You can download by entering "$0" after clicking "buy now." Any funds that are donated through there will probably go towards gaming, or perhaps even getting a new computer. I don't expect any donations however since I'm not even that much great of a musician. Bandcamp profits 15% of the donations however, so if you pay $2 AUD I only get $1.70 AUD.

Terms of conditions of Bandcamp also means no covers (which probably also means no transcriptions unfortunately) unless you have "written agreement" or "licensed" to do so by the original copyright holders and so I will only upload compositions there for now.

Anyway this is just a new start for me, cheer me on if you wish to.

Update: ZUN seems to declare his work as CC-BY-SA 4.0 so I guess I can upload my chiptune covers of his music.