Aviation References

Mainly just private stuff as a backup and (yet another) link heaven.

Tutorials for Aviation-related content are here.

Feel free to use and modify/redistribute the resources I provide too, there's no copyright unless stated otherwise.

Anything that comes from the ComLaw website is on a Creative Commons license. â’¸Commonwealth of Australia CC BY-NC-SA

If you want me to upload anything here refer to me on IRC (ZdrytchX, #pilots @ irc.freenode.net) or post below in the comments section (bottom of page).

Visual Flight Rules Guide (VFRG)

RPL/PPL License Theory Exams (Australia)

Declared Density Heights for Australia - Civil Aviation Orders (CAO) 20.7.0; Commonwealth of Australia CC BY-NC-SA:

edit: ComLaw server seems to not host the declared density chart images anymore so I am now sourcing it from the Visual Flight Rules Guide page.

Files Information:

C172 VFR FLIGHT PLAN.xlsx is an Excel spreadsheet with a pre-made VFR flight plan for a normal VFR Nav Flight in a C172 starting at YPJT (Jandakot Airport) via ARE (Armadale). Modify it to your own needs before using it.

C172 VFR FLIGHT ygb.xlsx is an Excel spreadsheet with the depature via YGB (Yangebup Lake) to the south. Aside from that it's identicle to the previous.

Declared Density Charts (Click to view larger):

December–February (Summer) 

June–August (Winter) 

Webpage Visits: 

Autumn (March–May) and Spring (September–November)