Lost Transcription Backups

Most of the music transcriptions that I managed to back-up that were lost on the internet (due to deletion, or servers going down etc.) are linked here. They will not be hosted on this google site however, because I actually have run out of file sharing space.

Sakamichi no Apollon:

My Favourite Things (English Spelling) / My Favorite Things (U.S. American Spelling) by Yoko Kanno, Arr/transcribed by /iTranscribe2Play (Temporary - will properly scan it later)

Performances: Alexander T (made by ear and through the MIDI sheet and not related to this transcription), Ben Hopgood (made by ear and through the MIDI sheet with some improvisation)

Pico-Scores.com (Original Site of music sheets: http://www.pico-score.com/score/score.htm)

Pico-Scores.com featured transcriptions of CLANNAD, Tomoyo After, Kanon, Air, and a few others)

CLANNAD backups are up!

Pico-score is now down, they had some of the best music sheets however they still have a commercial album collection of KEY related transcriptions (CLANNAD, Kanon, Tomoyo After, Air, Planetarian) which can be purchased here.

    Note: Apparently pico-score.com has been replaced with a new website (http://airiel.sakura.ne.jp/privilege/privilege.htm) which does NOT provide PDF/MIDI files but still provides MP3 recording files... 

Webpage Visits: 

Torch (After Story / Season 2 ED Arrangement) - I think this is might be inspired by the CLANNAD Piano Arrangement album. But it really doesn't sound like it nor the real ED music

Sorani / Sora ni Hikaru  空に光る (Shining in the Sky) - Used in the calm situations where nothing good nor bad stuff are happening.

sonzai 存在 (Existance) - This piece is used when the characters are thinking about their worth of existence / meaning of life. Don't listen to this too much or you may get emotional.

Shiryoshitu 資料室のお茶会 (Tea Party in the Reference Room) - This is played when that the MC slacks off drinking tea in the older small library.

Shirotume 白詰草 (White Clover) - This piece is played in happy moments. My most fond memory of it from the anime is when the main character takes his daughter out to the grass / sun flower fields for the first time after prolonged depression after a tragic birth.

Shio 汐 - This piece is played in the main menu of the Visual Novel as well as in certain scenes where the child of Nagisa and the Main Character in the After Story arc.

Shionari 潮鳴り (Roaring Tide) - If you are too emotional, I don't recommend listening or playing this piece too much. It may drive you to suicide after understanding the context it is used in CLANNAD

Onaji Takami He (To The Same Heights) - The file was named onazitakamihe and the only difference in spelling is really just the "zi" to "ji"I made a chiptune cover using this music sheet here: https://soundcloud.com/zdrytchx/jun_key_collection-track-02

Negai 願いが叶う場所 (The Place where Wishes Come True) - This is one of the main pieces used in calm scenes that made people cry.

Nagisa 渚 - Also known as the Dango song/theme. This is not the closing theme of season 1 CLANNAD but the Dango Family theme is indeed based off this soundtrack.

Nagisa ~ Warm Piano Arrange - This piece came with a beautiful Voilin/Piano duet recording. Apparently my parents thing this is a sad piece due to the way it changes throughout. Backup from pico-score.com.

Megumeru (OP Song of Season 1 and the Visual Novel) - This is the opening song of Season 1 of the anime and Visual Novel of CLANNAD.

Kochi / Tohu 東風 (Spring Breeze) - Usually used in carefree, calm happy context. Some comedic situations happens with this music in the background

Itoma 日々の遑 - Backup from pico-score.com

Hurry Starfish は~りぃすたーふぃっしゅ - These soundtrack music sheest are back up up here at ZdrytchX's Reference Page. The original files were distributed for free from pico-score.com before it went down for a few years. Currently (between 2015-2017) the website was either down and unavailable, or it is attempting to monetize the music sheets in a package meaning that people have to buy it but they get the whole lot at once with nice cover art.

Full imgur album - Temporary (will properly scan later)

3 - Page 3, i cant be bothered labeling the rest. You get the point

2 - Page2

1 - Title + Page 1