Useful Links

Other Groups and Organisations

BLT: The BISA Learning and Teaching Working Group

PSAI Teaching and Learning Specialist Group - the teaching and learning group of the Political Studies Association of Ireland. Further updates via their group blog.

ECPR Standing Group Teaching and Learning Politics - the teaching and learning group of the European Consortium for Political Research.

American Political Science Association - Teaching and Learning Conference pages.

Members of the PSA Teaching and Learning Group at a recent APSA Teaching and Learning conference

Useful Blogs and Website

Active Learning in Political Science: is designed to help educators: build a repertoire of games and activities that they can use in their courses with a minimum of fuss; exchange information on active learning techniques; and promote the use of effective pedagogies in the political science classroom.It includes a Simulation and Games Index.

The Quantitative Methods Initiative. The ESRC's Quantitative Methods Initiative aims to improve capacity in quantitative social science and make best possible use of the UK's world-class data infrastructure. It covers the entire educational life course from school projects to postdoctoral research and all social science disciplines. It includes both research and teaching and learning

OPOSSEM. The Online Portal for Social Science Education in Methodology, is an online community and repository for sharing of various resources for teaching social science research methods among educators in secondary, undergraduate, and postgraduate settings.

High Education Academy. The UK National Body for Teaching and Learning. A range of good resources on generic teaching and learning issues, plus search the Knowledge Hub for politics and IR specific materials.

MPSA Wikipedia Initiative. An initiative from the Midwest Political Science Association to encourage students to engage with Wikipedia by improving the quality of the entries on political science topics.

PAXsims. A blog devoted to the development and effective use of games and simulation-based learning concerning issues of conflict, peacebuilding, and development in fragile and conflict-affected states, as well as to the policy application of gaming and simulation techniques.