
The Exporter will be written in SQL Server procedural language and use an external (non-SQL Server) tool to upload files.

The Exporter will run on a daily basis and generate one file for transfer to DiSTRIBuTE. This file will be named biosensertccyymmdd.csv for the RT BioSense data source (gipse_data_source id 4) and biosensestateccyymmdd.csv for the aggregate data collected from States. Where cc=two digit century, yy=two digit year, mm=two digit month, dd=two digit day (e.g. 20090804, 19010101, etc.)

The data format will follow the Novel H1N1 data format v0.6. This is not using the latest version (v0.7) as DiSTRIBuTE already has a programming procedure for accepting v0.6 formatted files and would need to commit additional resources to create procedures to accept v0.7.

This files will be submitted to DiSTRIBuTE using their SFTP site into the ~/biosensert and ~/biosensestate folders.

DiSTRIBuTE has assigned a userid and password for the Exporter to use.

For any indicator names that have comma (",") in the name (e.g. "Pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium complications"), the field should be surrounded with quotes.

For example, a line should be:

20090804,300,4,"Pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium complications",6,1,2