PUC1:View National Map

Goal: Display a national map with a chloropleth map of call counts showing for each state.

Actors: Public Health Investigator

Preconditions: A user has been authenticated.

Success condition: A map is displayed with each state delineated.

Main Success Scenario:

    1. This is the intial page shown after authentication. The default time period is the current week beginning on Sunday.
    2. A google map is shown of the entire country. Each contained state border is drawn. Each state is shaded according to total call volume: clear for 0, green for 1-1000, yellow for 1001-2000, red for above 2000. The legend is customizable by the user by entering their own range values for each available color.
    3. A drop down is displayed containing each of the 50 states. When a state is selected, the user is directed to PUC2: View State Map.
    4. A drop down is displayed containing each of the 131 conditions. When a condition is selected, the map refreshes containing counts for only the specified condition.
    5. Each state is clickable. When the state is clicked, a popup is displayed containing PUC4: View Time Series Graph.

Alternate Flow:

(Step 1): A start date and end date is displayed. The user can specify custom dates. When custom dates are submitted, the map refreshes containing counts for only the specified date range (inclusive).

Related Use Cases:

PUC0: Login

PUC2: View State Map

PUC4: View Time Series Graph
