Project Transition Documentation

This page collects all of the documentation to be delivered by the Deloitte contract team to Tom Savel and Ken Hall on Monday, October 19th.

Project lanes and documentation [google doc, requires login]

  1. Programming Methodology
  2. Viewer Production (1.0.1)
  3. Publisher Production (1.0.1)
  4. Web Service Production (1.0.1) (GIPSE)
  5. Partner Web Services (GIPSE)
  6. GIPSE Standard
  7. NHIN Interoperability
  8. Quicksilver / Poison Control(1.0)
  9. CDC Program support
  10. H1N1 Technical Advisory
  11. Planned Viewer Enhancements (1.0.x)
  12. Planned Service Portal
  13. Planned Distributed Security
  14. Planned Service Registry
  15. Manuscripts/ Publications
  16. Lab documentation
  17. Open Issues
    1. Planned Meetings / Conferences
    2. Operations Support

Project statistics (active projects only): v 1.08 T=10.0 s (121.1 files/s, 27305.7 lines/s)


Language files blank comment code


HTML 579 19160 9724 161640

Java 282 5420 5594 25656

Javascript 35 3098 2779 14490

XML 136 956 998 9448

XSD 20 146 99 4228

SQL 126 425 769 3840

JSP 20 357 95 2368

CSS 12 158 140 1460

Bourne Shell 1 2 0 7


SUM: 1211 29722 20198 223137
