
Draft narrative for steps involved in Dan's scripting demo of SAS program transfer, SAS program execution and aggregation of results.

1. User calls ClientScript.pl specifying 4 sas scripts to be executed on 4 remote nodes.

2. ClientScript.pl transmits 4 sas script files to 4 remote nodes

2.1 ClientScript.pl uses SSTS java client program to transfer sas script files

2.2 ClientScript.pl uses X.509 certificate to authenticate to each remote node

2.2 ClientScript.pl transfers sas script file to each remote node

3. ClientScript.pl then uses SSTS java client program to poll remote nodes every 5 minutes (configurable) to check for results files

4. SSTS running on each remote node received file and copies it to local samba share incoming directory

5. SASProcessorScript.pl checks samba share incoming directory every 5 minutes (configurable) for sas script files that can be processed

6. SASProcessorScript.pl, upon finding a sas script file in the incoming directory, modifies the sas script file to configure it with the variables appropriate to execute on the local sas engine.

7. SASProcessorScript.pl calls the local sas engine and passes the configured sas script file.

8. SAS engine executes sas program and outputs aggregate content with de-identified values at the aggregate level

9. SASProcessorScript.pl copies the resulting sas table output file to the samba share’s outgoing directory.

10. ClientScript.pl uses the SSTS java client program to download the sas table output file from each remote node (based on the checks initited in step #3).

11. ClientScript.pl combines the 4 sas table output files into a single TSV file and completes processing.

12. User opens TSV file in Excel to view results.

Dan will write this using lab resources for testing and then scripts will need to be modified on a site specific effort to compensate for local configuraiton.

Deployment, Sequence and Data Flow Diagrams attached.