RODS Hibernate Data Service

The RODS Hibernate Data Service used Hibernate to provide data service access to a back end RODS database.

The grid service has two methods:

    • getTimeSeriesData
    • getSpatialSeriesData

Each method takes the following input paramteres:

    • startDate - string - format YYYY-mm-dd
    • endDate - string - format YYYY-mm-dd
    • condition - string

The methods use a pre-defined query string to access the RODS database to return the appropriate data series.

Source Code

The source code for the project is checked into the Sourceforge repository at the following URL:


The source code contains a built-in client program. In order to run the client take the following steps:

    1. Download the source code from Sourceforge
    2. Using the command line switch to the directory where the source code was downloaded
    3. Type ant all at the command prompt
    4. Type ant runClient

This will run the simple client program that I have created. The client program can be modified to provide additional output/functionality.

WSDL Operations

The following operations are defined in the WSDL for RODSHDS:

    • GetTimeSeriesData - returns a set to time series data from the RODS database
    • GetSpatialSeriesData - returns a set of spatial series data from the RODS database
    • GetMultipleResourceProperties - returns zero or more instances of a given properties
    • GetResourceProperty - returns zero or more instances of a given property
    • QueryResourceProperties - returns a set of DOM nodes that correlates to given query string
    • getMetaDataSecurity - clients use this method to determine how to communicate with the service, this method is always insecure