Detection Service Registry Entry


This service runs JHUAPL Detection Algorithms. Currently the Temporal Detection Algorithm is implemented via the runTemporalDetection web service method. runTemporalDetection takes a start date and an array of counts per day, and returns an array of p-values, color codes (2 = yellow, 3 = red), and expected counts per day.

Service URL:


The Detection Service is a secure grid web service. To gain access please contact Nathaniel Tabernero.

Client Instructions

A client may be downloaded here: This client sends a test set of counts to the service and prints out the results. To run this client, execute the following in a command window:

    1. grid-proxy-init (this will create a proxy cert)
    2. ant (this will execute the client via build.xml)
    3. Detection results should be printed out.

The client maybe used programmatically to pass in your own data. The Java code to do that would look something like:

DetectorServiceClient client = new DetectorServiceClient("");

Date startDate = //put startDate here or get it from somewhere

double counts[] = //put counts here or get it from somewhere

TemporalDetectionResult detectionResults[] = client.runTemporalDetection(startDate, counts);

//Do something with the detectionResults - maybe print it out or save to a file

if (detectionResults != null) {

for (int i = 0; i < detectionResults.length; i++) {


+ detectionResults[i].getColor()

+ ",detectionLevel="+detectionResults[i].getDetectionLevel()

+ ",expected="

+ detectionResults[i].getExpectedCount());

