Quicksilver Service Registry Entry


Quicksilver is a combination of a AAPCC service handler and the Gmap-Polygon libraries. It was developed by Peter White for the NCPHI Lab, and displays poison effect counts across State, Zip 3, or Zip 5 polygons from behind secure websites.

The main service java code is a branch of the Poicondai service code. It retrieves the data from Poison Service and marshalls it into java objects using the Apache AXIS libraries.

NPDSGmaps contains code for marshaling the data objects from the service into polygons for the mapper.

Npdsgmaps-web contains the JSPs for making getting the polygons into a map.

Location of source code

The source code for poicondai 2.0 is located in the same repository at: https://phgrid.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/phgrid/poicondai/branches/2.0

The source code for npdsgmaps is located in the phgrid repository at: https://phgrid.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/phgrid/npdsgmaps/

The source code for npdsgmaps-web is located in the phgrid repository at https://phgrid.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/phgrid/npdsgmaps-web

Deployment instructions


    • A local build box with subversion, maven, gmap-polygon, and a servlet container installed


    1. Build and install gmap-polygon with mvn install.
    2. Check out, configure, and build the 2.0 branch of poicondai
      1. Check out the code from the repository (svn co https://phgrid.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/phgrid/poicondai/branches/2.0 gmap-polygon).
      2. Configure the test and main service connection properties in the poicondai.filter-example.properties (located in the trunk directory) and rename the file poicondai.filter.properties
      3. Build the package using mvn package.
      4. If the build tests pass, Install the package into the repository using mvn install.
    3. Configure a database of users and SHA-1 Hashed passwords
      1. Create a table containing the column 'userid' and the column 'passwords'
      2. Fill with users and hashed passwords (there are utilities on the web for SHA1 encrypting strings)
    4. Check out, build, and install the npdsgmaps and npdsgmaps-web code from the repository
      1. Check out the code (svn co https://phgrid.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/phgrid/npdsgmaps/ npdsgmaps ).
      2. Configure the npdsgmaps.filter.properties (save a copy of npdsgmaps.filter-example.properties without '-example') and edit it with the appropriate data connection settings (you might need to update the POM of the npdsgmaps project to include any database drivers other than PostgreSQL or MS SQL Server).
      3. build and install the code using mvn install.
      4. Check out the code (svn co https://phgrid.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/phgrid/npdsgmaps-web/ npdsgmaps-web)
    5. Build the web project using the mvn package command (note, gmap-polygon must be built and installed into the maven repository for this to work)
    6. Deploy the resulting war file (located in the target directory) on the servlet container.