GIPSE Service Installer

GIPSE Service Installer Instruction Set


Java: Jdk 1.5 or greater

Ant: apache 1.7 or greater

Globus: ws-core 4.0.5 or greater

Tomcat: 5.5.27 or 6.0

Additional prerequisites for building:

svn: subversion 1.4 or greater

Configuring, Building, Deploying Source:

1. Download service package (source)

Create a temporary directory and use the subversion command

svn co

2. Configure

Rename the file to Using your preferred text editor, modify the following properties with the values appropriate for your environment:

Update the names of the properties files that will be needed to build the given gipse service (example, the GIPSE Biosense service needs and the GIPSE Poison service needs and if there is more than one properties file, use a comma (,) to separate the file names. Also, update the svn url of the service you wish to build and deploy.

3. Place necessary properties files (as defined by properties.list) in the "props" directory

4. Compress folder up for deployment (optional)

5. Build and Deploy service

You can build deploy the service using:

"ant all"

This will download the service from the specified url, place the specified properties files into the appropriate location, build the service, and deploy it to globus and tomcat.

If you need to modify the deployment, the targets can be modified in the build file.