Public Health Informatics Research Grid Wiki

Our Mission: Collaborating with our partners to achieve a secure, easy-to-use, technical and social infrastructure for solving large-scale public health problems. Creating an intuitive and powerful user experience. Developing an inexpensive and lightweight data and computational grid infrastructure. Developing robust and intuitive standards-based grid services. Facilitating national health IT integration efforts.

  1. PHGrid Service Registry
  2. PHGrid Architecture
  3. Active Projects
  4. Project Results
  5. StatusReports
  6. Security
  7. NHIN Interoperability
  8. Public Health Grid Appliance (Future State)
  9. Publications
  10. Misc Documents (Resources, Presentations, etc)
  11. Software Development Methodology Guidelines
  12. Node Installation Procedures
  13. Communications
    1. Go to the BLOG
  14. FAQ
    1. Launch Demo Portal
  15. Project Transition Documentation

-- Our goal is to research and simplify grid technologies for use within public health practice. Core principles include: Long-Term Sustainability; Low Barrier to Entry (Technically, Financially & Socially); 100% Standards-Based; Reuseability; Collaboration; Open Source; Best Practices; Distributed; Federated; and a Bottom-Up Approach

-- To contact the NCPHI grid team with any comments or questions, please email

-- All content on the PHGrid wiki is open source and visible to the entire public internet. To become a collaborator who can edit content, please email Dr. Savel at the email address above.

Note: Once the new CDC Collaboration Portal is operational, the intent is to migrate content from this temporary site to the proper CDC Collaboration Portal.