Public Health Informatics Research Grid Wiki
Our Mission: Collaborating with our partners to achieve a secure, easy-to-use, technical and social infrastructure for solving large-scale public health problems. Creating an intuitive and powerful user experience. Developing an inexpensive and lightweight data and computational grid infrastructure. Developing robust and intuitive standards-based grid services. Facilitating national health IT integration efforts.
- PHGrid Service Registry
- PHGrid Architecture
- Active Projects
- Project Results
- StatusReports
- Security
- NHIN Interoperability
- Public Health Grid Appliance (Future State)
- Publications
- Misc Documents (Resources, Presentations, etc)
- Software Development Methodology Guidelines
- Node Installation Procedures
- Communications
- Go to the BLOG
- Launch Demo Portal
- Project Transition Documentation
-- Our goal is to research and simplify grid technologies for use within public health practice. Core principles include: Long-Term Sustainability; Low Barrier to Entry (Technically, Financially & Socially); 100% Standards-Based; Reuseability; Collaboration; Open Source; Best Practices; Distributed; Federated; and a Bottom-Up Approach
-- To contact the NCPHI grid team with any comments or questions, please email
-- All content on the PHGrid wiki is open source and visible to the entire public internet. To become a collaborator who can edit content, please email Dr. Savel at the email address above.
Note: Once the new CDC Collaboration Portal is operational, the intent is to migrate content from this temporary site to the proper CDC Collaboration Portal.