Rain Rain

Post date: May 25, 2010 11:57:33 PM

This is now officially the coolest, wettest May in California in about sixty years. And given that we have been suffering from a drought for the last few years, it is not fair for ANYONE in the Golden State to complain about the fact that we are getting more rain. Again.

Our reservoirs, so recently empty, are now full, and some are brimming over. The wildflowers are blooming in abundance. (Just ask my sinuses, every time I hop on my bicycle for a ride...ugh.) And the hills are alive with green grass and Julie Andrews.

And we are getting more rain. Again.

So yeah...I am just a little tired of this. We've got mountains to see, and campsites to explore. We have a whole summer of trips planned, and it's looking more and more as if some of them are going to be put on hold until we can actually get to the trailhead without snowshoes and sled dogs. Not to mention crampons on the trail.

There will be more rain. There will be mud. There will be mosquitoes. It is snowing right now above about 6,000. And we are getting just a bit antsy right now.

2010 will go down as yet one more reminder that Mother Nature always laughs last.