Cell phone as first aid

Post date: Nov 16, 2012 1:32:01 AM

Of course, you have to be somewhere that has cellphone reception, which leaves out most of the High Sierra...

But in this case it worked...

From the Napa Valley Register:

Two 19-year-old teenagers were rescued Wednesday evening from the Oat Hill Mine Trail near Calistoga with the help of the Napa County Search and Rescue team and a California Highway Patrol plane, Napa County Sheriff’s Capt. Leroy Anderson said.

A CHP plane was dispatched shortly after the hikers used a cell phone to call for help at 5:47 p.m. after getting lost off the trail, Anderson said.

The plane spotted the hikers at 6:50 p.m. and a Napa County Search and Rescue team, knowing the hikers’ GPS coordinates, hiked into the area, he said.

Search and Rescue volunteers found the man and the woman at about 9:30 p.m. and led them out of the area, he said. The teenagers, whose hometown is unknown, were not injured.

(And check out that first sentence. 19-year-old teenagers? Whatever happened to editors?)