Research & Development

Strategic research areas of the Institute

Low emission vehicle drives. Electromobility, hydrogen, synthetic fuels.

The strategic research area of low-emission vehicle propulsion focuses on innovations and technological development in the fields of electromobility, hydrogen technologies, and synthetic fuels. This research is pivotal for transitioning to a sustainable transportation sector and aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and decrease dependence on hydrocarbon fuels.

Electromobility involves the study of using electric power as a source for vehicle propulsion. It includes the utilization of high-capacity batteries, efficient electric motors, and the expansion of charging infrastructure. A key component is the integration of vehicles into the electric grid, known as vehicle-to-grid systems, which can support grid stability and the utilization of renewable energy sources.

Hydrogen focuses on hydrogen fuel cells that convert the chemical energy of hydrogen into electric power, producing only water as a byproduct. Research concentrates on improving efficiency, reducing the costs of hydrogen production, storage, and distribution, and on the safety aspects of hydrogen infrastructure.

Synthetic fuels are liquid or gaseous fuels produced from renewable sources, such as biomass or direct synthesis from atmospheric CO2 and water. Research is aimed at optimizing production processes, increasing energy efficiency, and reducing total greenhouse gas emissions over the fuel's life cycle.

The goal of research in this area is not only technological advancement but also the support of political and economic strategies that facilitate the broad deployment of low-emission drives and contribute to achieving climate goals. This work is multidisciplinary and requires collaboration among scientists, engineers, educators, and the industry.

Advanced driver assistance systems, autonomous driving

The strategic research area of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving focuses on the development and integration of sophisticated technologies that enhance safety, efficiency, and comfort in motor vehicle operation. This field emphasizes the connectivity between the driver, the vehicle, and the traffic environment to create smarter, safer, and more autonomous transport systems.

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) encompass a wide range of features, from adaptive cruise control and lane departure warning systems to autonomous emergency braking. Research targets the refinement of sensory and computational technologies, such as cameras, radar, lidar, and artificial intelligence. These technologies work together to process complex real-time data sets, enabling vehicles to recognize and respond to various traffic situations.

Autonomous driving vehicles are designed to operate without direct human intervention, necessitating advanced ADAS and additional technologies like machine learning and detailed mapping. Research in this area focuses on developing algorithms for route planning, decision-making, and navigation in diverse and unpredictable environments. It also involves work on vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication, allowing vehicles to share information and coordinate actions to enhance traffic safety and flow.

This research domain is a critical element in the future development of intelligent transport systems and is essential for achieving goals in safety, sustainability, and transport efficiency. It requires a multidisciplinary approach and collaboration among the academic sector, the automotive industry, software developers, and regulatory bodies.

Logistics 4.0. Production support in the automotive industry.

The Strategic Research Area Logistics 4.0 represents an innovative approach to managing and optimizing logistical processes in the automotive industry by leveraging modern information and communication technologies. This field focuses on the integration of components such as artificial intelligence, automation, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to create intelligent, connected, and flexible logistics systems that support manufacturing and distribution.

Automation and Robotics: Logistics 4.0 includes the expanded deployment of robots and automated guided vehicles (AGVs) in production lines and warehouses, which increases efficiency and reduces human labor in monotonous and demanding tasks.

Advanced Information Systems: Central data platforms that collect and analyze large volumes of data from various parts of the logistics chain enable better planning and forecasting of production and distribution needs.

Internet of Things (IoT): IoT technologies provide real-time monitoring of inventory, machine status, and allow assets to communicate with each other, contributing to the optimization of the entire logistics chain.

Integrated Logistics: Logistics 4.0 systems support the integration of intra-company and inter-company logistics, enabling smooth collaboration between suppliers, manufacturing plants, and distribution centers.

The goal of Logistics 4.0 in the automotive industry is to achieve a higher level of automation, increase the flexibility of manufacturing processes, and improve accuracy in inventory management and supply chains, leading to cost reductions and increased efficiency. This field requires strong collaboration among manufacturers, logistics companies, technology suppliers, and IT experts to achieve full integration and automation of processes.

Solved projects

R&D of vehicles and components in automotive and rail vehicle industry for both environmental friendliness and competitiveness, aiming at purpose-optimized vehicles for surface transport by • Electrification of vehicles and components • Digitization of research and of products in thermodynamic, aerodynamic, mechanical, electrical and control domains for vehicles, as Key Enabling Technologies, combining it with testing processes, IT tools for vehicle control linked to mobility systems and to those for autonomous driving and environmental friendliness of vehicles in the life cycle • Competitiveness of final products in world markets • HMI with impact of AI and vehicle-to-other subjects communications • Life Cycle Analysis, reflecting needed overlaps with social sciences.

TN02000054 2023-2028

The centre is established within the performance of Hydrogen Strategy for Climate Neutral Europe and Hydrogen Strategy of the CR, which reflects the target of the European Green Deal to reach climate neutrality by 2050. The Centre covers activities of key players in the CR in the field of hydrogen technologies and is based on the principles of integral ecology. Centre’s strategic objectives:1.R&D&I support of greenhouse gases emission reduction in transport with the use of hydrogen technologies, of economic growth of the CR in relation to introducing hydrogen technologies in transport. The goal of the Centre is to support acceleration of the implementation process of hydrogen technologies at minimized related costs and to support balanced production and consumption of hydrogen.

TN02000007 2023-2028

The intention of the project is to rapidly reduce development and testing time and create an environment for the efficient development of advanced algorithms and systems for future generations of vehicles, thereby accelerating the transition to highly automated and autonomous mobility. The project focuses on the development of simulators for advanced vehicle assistance and autonomous systems by using a detailed model of the real environment created by the UHD mobile mapping system as well as dynamic variables from available sensors on the transport infrastructure and in vehicles. The aim is to create a UHD virtual twin of the road for the needs of the simulator, in which it will be possible to test the virtual twin of the vehicle, and in addition to possibly allow the transfer of data from sensors on the real infrastructure to the simulator. This will increase the plausibility of the simulated parameters.

The upcoming project within the subsidy call Application 1 of the OP TAK programme focuses on research and development in the field of micromobility, specifically the aim is to obtain a prototype of the second generation of multiplatform for micromobility, which will meet all legislative regulations for obtaining a technical certificate for the operation of a new single- or three-track vehicle on roads. The new functionalities or design areas may include, for example, the splitting of the platform in half to allow for both single and three-foot variants; new design nodes adapted for mass production, ensuring the same or higher quality of workmanship; weight reduction and higher compactness than the first generation multiplatform; a new electric motor (outside wheel driven by belt/chain) and control unit operating in one complete unit; a display panel; a new battery and its attachment to the frame of the multiplatform for easy replacement; and others.

The essence of the project proposal consists in the development and application of an aerodynamic solution to reduce the drag by manipulating the flow field in the hatch of a passenger road vehicle. The source of energy required for this manipulation is a region of higher pressure (overpressure) on the vehicle created by the vehicle's own motion, typically located in the front of the vehicle, for example near the stagnation point. By transferring this energy in the form of extracting a stream of air from the higher pressure region and blowing it appropriately at the rear of the vehicle into the lower pressure region, it is possible to manipulate the shape of the wake and thereby change both the vortex structure itself (induced drag) and to control the distribution of static pressure at the rear of the vehicle where the majority of the total aerodynamic drag is generated. The main advantage of this technical solution is the absence of an additional source of energy otherwise needed to create the airflow, while at the same time this solution, if properly designed, reduces the magnitude of the static pressure at the front of the vehicle, thus again contributing to the overall reduction of aerodynamic drag.

Research and development of a single-seater off-road vehicle by MARAT engineering s.r.o.  The project has two main objectives: - To develop a new design of buggy, allowing the use of both internal combustion and, in the future, electric engines for propulsion. It will be a racing, single-seater, autocross vehicle of a completely new concept, which we will produce ourselves in small series and sell all over the world - To invent and verify a new method of development, based on the use of a digital twin, allowing the use of computer simulations for the development of individual parts and assemblies, as well as for setting the parameters of the entire vehicle and its individual parts.

Research and development of a trailer for two-track electric bicycles

Research and development of a 4X4 off-road electric racing vehicle platform with range extender

The project responds to the priority research objectives by designing and verifying an innovative high-speed turbocharger rotor bearing solution. The innovative fit will allow to reduce the energy losses of the turbocharger in the modes for which it is designed and at the same time increase reliability and durability in off-design operating modes. The new rotor fit will build on the experience gained in operation to date and will increase the efficiency of the turbocharger due to reduced losses in the fit. The rotor arrangement will operate in conditions close to practical application and thus provide technical validation for future real-life deployment. 

The use of construction and demolition waste for the production of cement composites with a solidifying effect and a reduced impact on the environment

The proposed project is based on the current state of knowledge in the field of controlled deconstruction of building objects, or their parts, and the acquisition of suitable construction demolition waste from concrete or ceramic fired masonry elements (bricks) for their recycling and the subsequent production of a new construction product, concrete or brick recycled with declared properties for production of cement composites with solid effect and reduced impact on the environment.

This is a project that aims to link research knowledge in the field of autonomous transport in the creation, testing and debugging of control algorithms. The Vienna University of Technology has extensive knowledge in the design of autonomous systems and advanced control algorithms that are continuously tested and tuned using advanced vehicle models. At the Technical University of Brno, advanced multibody models are being developed as part of vehicle dynamics research and represent the most detailed way of modelling the driving dynamics of a complete vehicle known to date. These models, validated by measuring the driving dynamics of an experimental vehicle, then suitably represent a real vehicle in a virtual environment. The main objective of the project is to extend the possibilities of linking the different development environments in which the models have been created.

The activities are focused on the research of new technologies required to support the development of logistics in a sustainable way towards its integration in 4.0 environment.

The mobilities will be used to exchange information, knowledge and experience, participate in the common research projects, conferences, courses and other network activities and events. These mobilities will assist and help with work on M.Sc. and PhD thesis, laboratory work, and at the same time introducing joint activities between institutions. In cooperation with network partners.

Mechanical engineering will primarily comprehend research, development and design of production and logistic systems in the Industry 4.0 environment, including 3D virtual manufacturing. Rapid prototyping plays a considerable role here, as it allows for customization, reduces waste - by printing only what is needed - and permits printing where and when parts are needed. In this way, the shipping costs and time to market are reduced.

Research & Developt
