Managing Q&A and launching polls live

Before you follow these steps, please make sure you have followed the instructions on how to set up your Q+A and Polls in schedule a webinar

Managing the Q+A during the webinar

During the webinar the audience may ask questions live, in text. To see the questions, click on the Q+A box at the bottom of your screen.

Depending on your chosen Q+A settings (from when you originally scheduled the webinar), the audience may be able to upvote, comment on, or not see others' questions.

Please note that Zoom Q+A doesn't necessarily collate questions in order. In the Events team, we like to choose upvoting for most webinars as it highlights the most popular questions and makes it more manageable for the chair.

Answering and managing questions - see also Zoom tips

  • The host , co-host and panelist can open the Q+A box. From experience, we recommend the administrator keeps their hosting rights and does not pass this onto a chair or speaker, instead assigning them as co-hosts.

Whoever is in charge of questions (e.g., the chair or administrator) can either choose to directly reply to audience by clicking the "type answer" button and click select send privately or allow all attendees to see.


The host or the chair of the event can ask the speakers questions directly by reading out the open questions from the tab. Then they should click answered live to remove those questions from the open list.

The administrator of the webinar will answer an individual's technical issues by messaging that individual privately.


  • When you dismiss a question the audience will be able to see this on their screen. We only recommend dismissing questions if it is not relevant or it has already been answered with another, similar, question. If dismissed accidently, you can reopen the question.


  • This is to get rid of questions completely.

Launching a Poll

We recommend before starting your live webinar that you ensure you have set up and added all your polls - find out how to set up a poll. You can add and edit last minute poll questions by logging into your account setting and adding it under your webinar. Please note you can only add or change polls in your Zoom account settings.

Launching your poll during the webinar

  1. Click Poll tab at the bottom of your screen

  • You can click the arrow next to the poll name to select a poll if there is more than one

  • You can also allow panelists (speakers and chair) to vote

  1. Click launch - the audience will now be able to vote, you should see a timer on the corner of the screen that shows how long you have open up to the audience

  2. When you are ready click end poll

  3. You can now either re-open the same poll again if needed or click to share (results) with audience. You can also share results later in the webinar if you wish