Hosts, co-hosts

+ alternative hosts


The host is the Zoom licence account user who schedules the webinar. They have full permissions to manage the webinar, panelists, and attendees. The host should have their Zoom settings to as high a quality as possible and they should not use a tablet or mobile for hosting a session as this is too risky.

There can only be one host of a webinar.

The host has the ability to stop and start the webinar, mute panelists, stop panelists' video, remove attendees from the webinar, and more. They can demote panelists to attendees and promote attendees to panelists during the webinar. This can be useful if you need to 'hide' a panelist from attendees e.g. when playing a pre-recorded video presentation by that panelist.


Co-hosts share many of the controls that hosts have, allowing the co-host to manage the administrative side of the webinar, such as managing attendees or starting/stopping the recording. The host must assign a co-host when setting up the webinar.

Co-hosts cannot start a webinar. If a host needs someone else to begin the webinar, they can assign an alternative host.

Alternative host

When scheduling a meeting, the host can designate another licensed user on the same account to be the alternative host.

The alternative host can start the meeting on the host's behalf. This user will receive an email notifying them that they've been added as an alternative host, with a link to start the meeting.

Scheduling privileges

You can schedule a webinar on behalf of another host should both you and your colleague have a Zoom licence. This also allows you to access and run each others webinar/meeting schedules should you need to due to any absences.

This also means you both do not need to assign each other as alternative hosts as zoom will now assign these roles automatically to you when you both log into the webinar/meeting.

You and your chosen host would need to add each other in the Scheduling Privileges section in Settings (you'll need to scroll down to almost the bottom of all the options to find this).


To be on the safe, we recommend every ICAEW webinar has an assigned alternative or co-host in case the host's internet fails or another emergency occurs.

Host, co-host and alternative host should have a separate means of communication available to them in case of emergencies or questions that arise during the webinar e.g. a Whatsapp group. If deemed appropriate panelists can also be added to this group.