Guidance for Delegates

You can share this page externally with your virtual class delegates

The ICAEW Zoom guide website URLs can be shared externally, so send this page to any delegates who request extra help to start using Zoom

First time using Zoom? We can help

Virtual classrooms can seem daunting if you have not had much experience. But Zoom is pretty easy to use.

As a delegate, you will be guided through the session by the trainer who will also be the meeting host. They can help you with technical difficulties and will point you to the relevant tools within the screen, as and when you need them.

Virtual classrooms are an excellent way for you to get all the benefits of ICAEW training from the comfort of your own home. There are a few tips below to read through before joining the virtual classroom.

What do I need?

For ICAEW virtual classroom, live online sessions you will need:

  • A computer or laptop - Mac or PC is fine. If you can't get a computer then a tablet will do.

  • A webcam - this can be built-in to your computer or could be a linked standalone webcam.

We strongly encourage partipants to keep their cameras on for the session as the courses are interactive. There is group work, discussions, and the opportunity to interact with other delegates, much as you would in a real life classroom.

  • A microphone - again, this could be your computer's built-in mic or an external one. Some people just use the free headphones you get with an iPhone, but a noise-reducing headset with microphone will be the best option.

If you want to test your audio/video before we get started, the trainer will be in the Zoom classroom 15 minutes before the start time. The built-in microphones on laptops are okay, but if you have a better quality headset, please use that instead as the sound quality, lag and echo are generally much improved.

  • A decent internet connection. The closer you are to your hub, the more reliable it will be, or you could directly connect to your router via ethernet rather than relying on Wi-Fi signal - that's the most reliable!

  • The Zoom app which you can download here. Don't worry if you cannot download the app to your device - there are alternative options for you!

  • Chrome web browser (recommended).

  • The Zoom training invite from ICAEW - this is usually an email and will include a Zoom link, meeting ID and password. We recommend that you copy and paste the Zoom link into your browser outside of any work-based virtual network or VDI. Our experience is that audio/video may not be able to access Zoom when you are on a network because of network security protocols.

      • If you have downloaded the Zoom app, the link will launch the meeting in the app.

      • If you cannot download the Zoom app to your device, then instead copy and paste the link and select Join from your browser. You will need to enter the meeting password and your name.

Joining the virtual class

  • Join early. Sessions are open 15 minutes before start time

  • Turn off email, noisy notifications, phone ringer, messaging tools such as WhatsApp and remove distractions from your training area

  • Eliminate background noise and visual distraction. Locate yourself away from other conversations, TV, music, pets, children, hoovering, and co-workers. Better still go to a private room for the duration of your session

  • Ensure your Zoom video window is showing your name when you join the session. Do not use the default option from your device, a nickname, or the name of a family member/colleague that owns the computer they are using. You can change the name shown by clicking on your video and choosing Rename.

  • Be ready to participate! Our sessions are engaging and interactive.

If for any reason you are unable to join the workshop, please let ICAEW know so that we know not to wait.

During the session

The trainer will guide you throughout the training session, but here are some useful tips:

  • Mute yourself until you need to talk or ask a question. The trainer may occasionally mute all participants but you can individually unmute yourselves.

  • You can use the Raise Hand function (under Reactions) at the bottom of the Zoom screen - to indicate you have a comment or question - this a good way of not interrupting anyone speaking. If you want to lower your hand again, it's in the same place.

  • Participate! Prepare to be called by name.

  • There could be smaller group discussions using breakout rooms so use this as an opportunity to network. Don't worry - the host/trainer will do the work of putting you in the breakout rooms and explaining how it all works.

  • Use timetabled breaks to step away from your screen and move about – but try not to look at your emails!

School's out!

You are free to leave the meeting once the trainer concludes. But they may allow time for collecting feedback at the end of the session.

Your feedback is crucial. It helps us to ensure that courses continue to meet demand, be relevant, well-structured, and offer value for money. But also we want to ensure that they continue to help you achieve your development objectives.

Your trainer will share a link to a feedback survey towards the end of the session, in the chat, or on a screen after the session ends.