Signing in to Zoom

Zoom sign on is now part of our Single Sign On (SSO) at ICAEW.

This means you can log in with the same login credentials you use for the network, Microsoft, iTrent, etc. Here we explain how.

Two potential starting points...

Depending on how you log into Zoom, now that we have turned on Single Sign On for ICAEW staff, you will need to follow one of these two scenarios

Option 1 - the ICAEW Zoom portal route

Head to our Zoom web portal: on Chrome (branding coming soon...)

And choose the Sign in button

This is definitely the quicker way!

Option 2 - Zoom website

Head to on Chrome

And hit the SIGN IN

Then you need to scroll down to that little SSO Key icon (see image below)

You then need to put icaew in the domain field

The rest is the process you'll recognise from logging into iTrent, Microsoft 365 etc... You just use your work email, work password, work pin, and one-time RSA token.


Our Zoom licences are linked to the single staff member login. So if you need other staff members to be able to access your webinar or meeting for any reason - including looking a the stats, downloading the video, etc, don't forget to add them in Schedule Privilege under Settings > Other (then click the + sign to add someone)