Schedule a meeting

Zoom Meetings is recommended for pre-recorded events, training sessions and generally more audience-interactive sessions without a handful or so participants.

We also use it for meetings where you might have used Lifesize with external participants.

Note: Microsoft Teams at ICAEW doesn't allow for external participants.

In Zoom Meetings everyone is considered a participant unless you chose to make them a co-host (which gives them some host rights). Find out more about the roles of hosts and co-hosts. Zoom Meetings allow sessions to be broken up into breakout rooms and allows everyone (speakers and delegates) to share their screens and speak in a discussion.

NOTE: Don’t create ICAEW Zoom meetings or webinars using your personal non-ICAEW Zoom ID.


Your meeting settings allows you to enable or disable features for your meetings. These settings control the availability of many features, such as breakout rooms, recording, and chat.

It i
s unlikely you will be needing the breakout rooms - these tend to be used for Virtual Classrooms.

Schedule meeting for pre-recorded event, training session and audience-interaction

Sign in to the Zoom web portal and go to My Account (top right)

Click Meetings on the left, then in the main area click on Schedule a New Meeting.

Select your meeting settings. Some of these options might not be available if they were disabled at the account admin (global) level.

All meetings/webinars should have a unique meeting ID and passcode

Note: Depending on selected account settings, there may be certain options that may or may not appear in the scheduling section.

Template function button appears once you have previously scheduled a meeting and saved the exact format. This guide will show you how to save a meeting template once created.

Ensure you write out the exact time and date of your event.

If not doing a pre-recorded event, the question of whether you, the host, has video on or off depends on whether you need to be visible as part of the meeting i.e. whether you are speaking/presenting.

Meeting options

The options here will vary based on the type of event you want to create.

If recording the event, you must ask participants for consent to appear on the recording as meetings will capture everyone's video feed unless they turn their video off individually.

Breakout room pre-assigning

This allows you to pre-populate participants into breakout rooms. This is useful if you know exactly who will be in the rooms and if you have everyone's correct email address that they will use to log in with. If participants do not use the same email address you will have to re-group people once in the actual meeting.

See also: Pre-assigning participants to breakout rooms

Some people may find it easier to populate these automatically once the meeting is launched and everyone has logged in. To find out how to do this see using breakout rooms.

Alternative Hosts

The alternative host can start the meeting on the host's behalf. This user will receive an email notifying them that they've been added as an alternative host, with a link to start the meeting.


  • Enter the email address of another Zoom user who is Licensed, on the ICAEW Zoom account to allow them to start the meeting in your absence


  • Enter your speaker's email addresses on here. It will not work. (See: Inviting speakers below)

Save meeting template

Once you have saved your meetings, it will show you the overall edits you have created in your meeting.

Before sending out invites, you can save this as your own template. Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see writing in blue that states "save as a meeting template".

A box should appear with a section to type in template name. Save this as your pre-recorded standard zoom template.


  • You will be able to select this template when you next schedule a meeting.

  • You are able to make multiple templates

  • To access all your templates, select meetings then click templates.


  • Create templates with the same or similar titles

Inviting speakers and participants

Send your speakers and participants their invitation link! The most easy and simplest way is by clicking "copy invitation" on the invite link section on your scheduled meeting


  • You can paste and edit the invitation directly onto your outlook account

  • Or, you can copy just the invite link and create your own invitation on your calendar invite


  • Don't click on add to calendar invite as this function has not yet been configured to connect with your work Outlook. You will need to add it into your calendar manually!