Science & Technology

Neuralink's brain chip: the future of ai and human interaction

With its brain implant technology, Elon Musk's Neuralink Corporation has gained media attention in recent years. This technology more 

ChatGPT: With power comes limitations

Among these two, what do you think is better: “Our class Discord was more 

Water ripples: everything about them

Imagine walking across a river, enjoying a warm, soft autumn breeze. You sit beside it , and feeling more 

Insomnia: Causes and symptoms

Sleeping is one of the most important parts of human more

Light: particle or wave

Light is an element that brought a lot of confusion to us several more

The Lung Cancer: Diagnosis, Causes And Treatment

According to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2020, lung cancer was the 6th most common cancer in South Korea with over a hundred thousand patients. The death rate... read more