Overlooking Benefits of Eating Desserts


Do you like desserts? Most people do! A person needs sugar for proper functioning of the brain. So, desserts become an important element which brings satisfaction to one’s soul and body. However, you can easily see health magazines with facts about why sugar is bad for one's health, and people are required to live a healthy life without dessert. But if you have a sweet tooth like me, a life without desserts is very despairing. Unfortunately, sugary confections are often regarded as unhealthy and to be avoided. Yet there is a hope for dessert lovers. Contrary to people’s stereotype, desserts have several health benefits. Let me tell you about them. 

Contains necessary nutrients 

Apart from being the best for weight management, desserts are also a great source of energy. They provide carbohydrates that are needed for day to day activities. That’s why recovering patients are offered desserts as temporary supplements to combat their loss of appetite. It replaces the lost energy and is a fun and easy way to start. Though desserts are not the healthiest form of carbohydrates, sweets such as pumpkin pie or dark chocolate contain rich sources of necessary vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants which is helpful to your diet. 

Makes you happier 

Have you ever taken a bite of your favorite dessert and felt a higher level of happiness? That feeling is real. According to the research, foods that have naturally high carbohydrate content in them stimulate the brain to produce ‘feel happy’ chemicals like

serotonin. These chemicals are a major factor in improving your mood, state of mind and emotional well-being. 

Better chances of following a healthy diet 

Craving sweets is one of the biggest causes of diet failure. If dieters quit eating desserts, they may see improvement in a short period of time. However, studies show that dieters who eat desserts with nutritious diets have a greater chance of success in long term weight loss. In the study, obese participants who ate a breakfast high in protein and carbohydrates that included a dessert were better able to stick to their diet than participants who ate a low-carb, low-calorie breakfast that did not include sweets. Researchers attributed this to reduced cravings, which made the subjects less hungry throughout the day. 

Prevent strokes & Lower body pressure 

In a study of Swedish men aged 45 to 79, those who ate dark chocolate 10 grams per day were 17 percent less likely to suffer from a stroke than those who cut it out entirely. Also, a few bites of dark chocolate each day could decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease. A 2011 Harvard study found that eating little dark chocolate every day lowered blood pressure in all 1,106 participants. They believe this is because chocolate packs a high concentration of flavonoids, an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and immune system benefits. 

As you can see, eating a moderate amount of dessert is proven to be not only delicious but also nutritious. In addition to consuming a balanced diet, don't be afraid to include a moderate amount of dessert as one of your daily meals. People should know they don’t have to be guilty with desserts. 


https://spoonuniversity.com/lifestyle/why-eating-dessert-can-be-good-for-your-health https://medium.com/@butterbelieveituk/7-surprising-health-benefits-of-desserts-5885 6e6c520f 

https://fox40.com/health-and-fitness/5-legitimate-reasons-you-should-eat-dessert-ever y-day/