Vaccines: Are they all they seem to be?

 By 탁율

 Vaccines have been around for a long time, dating back to the 18th century. They have been an essential part of history, getting rid of smallpox, stopping public health crises, and even increasing the average lifetime. Due to the pandemic, vaccines have been pushed into the limelight. There have been many arguments about the COVID-19 vaccine, and whether or not it is safe or reliable. Most people agree that the vaccine is safe and necessary, but some anti-vaxxers or anti-vaccinationists disagree. Are anti-vaxxers being illogical or are most people too credulous? Read this article to find out.


 Health organizations claim that the coronavirus vaccine is fail-safe. However, while developing the COVID-19 vaccine, the CDC said that many steps were taken to try to establish the vaccine as quickly as possible. For instance, the clinical trials for the vaccine were hastened. These trials are critical as they compare results between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. The fact that they were carried out as quickly as possible means that scientists do not know everything about the vaccine. In addition, the making of the vaccine began while the vaccine was still in the third phase of development(or testing phase).


 The vaccines used in the United States are all reported to have severe side effects. According to a report by YaleMedicine, all four vaccines used in the U.S. are noted to have several side effects. These include muscle pain, swelling, tiredness, headache, chills, fever, itching, and bruising. In rare cases, the vaccines could cause blood clotting or even heart inflammation. Still, the vaccines do not cause long-term harm in most cases. 


 In conclusion, most of the COVID-19 vaccines are still a work in progress. Making an effective vaccine for COVID-19 in itself is incredibly important. However, in the confusion and chaos of the pandemic, scientists were not able to produce effective results. The process was simply too rushed and created too many side effects. Therefore, scientists should continue to perfect the vaccine for COVID-19 for the health of the general public.



CDC: Developing COVID-19 Vaccines

YaleMedicine: Comparing the COVID-19 Vaccines: How are they different?

STAT: Comparing the Covid-19 vaccines developed by Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson