Genomes : to edit or not to edit

By 이서원

Genetic engineering is one of the most challenging , yet useful discoveries of the 21st century. Moreover, rapid progression of research has revealed much more developed technology (such as CRISPR cas9 genome editing) that is coming closer to full utilization in hospitals and health organizations. In 2021, the World Health Organization has released newer guidelines regarding this topic, which encourages the usage of this technology and the possible benefits that can be produced. However, in spite of recent positive developments, newer controversy has also raised regarding the ethical and biological complications that this technology can cause. However, even with all this criticism, with proper guidelines and more research, I believe that Genome editing can be an era-changing subject that can possibly fix even the toughest problems related to human life.

Biologically, genome editing opens up numerous possibilities. Most rare diseases can be completely analyzed and fixed. Moreover, new medical vaccines and treatment options can be opened by using edited viruses, therefore making it much more efficient to help humans medically. Also, plants and animals can also get better immunity towards diseases that can eventually benefit humans.              

With genome editing being able to be used cost efficiently and quickly in small amounts, It can also be used in remote areas where medical help is required but there are not enough resources to do so.

Moreover, With new problems arising such as climate change and new diseases, genome editing may be the answer to how we can fix or survive in those situations.

In an ethical perspective, the nature behind genetic engineering is completely fine. However, the part that becomes the problem is when this technology is used for harm to the environment and humans. In the wrong hands genome editing can cause fatal disasters that can last for decades. Fortunately, this is easy to solve by introducing new guidelines and restrictions related to genome editing, such as allowing only trained medical professionals to administer the technology. careful tracing and logging, and several verification processes can help remove any mishaps that may happen. Moreover, once full utilization of this technology has started, ethical benefits such as helping genetically diseased people or eradicating pandemics can be easily accomplished. 

Along with the improvement of genome editing comes a new market. The current market for this technology is very small and has a substantially low recognition since it is new and there is much more to be discovered.  However, once large biotechnology companies get to utilize this technology freely, a new open market will appear and expand. New job opportunities will be opened and medicine related businesses will start to thrive. Therefore employment rates can go up and economical circulation will get better. Along with this, other biotechnologies will also be considered useful and may be developed in a way that can make genome editing far more efficient and helpful.

It may take years and decades to master this technology and use it to its full potential. And it is undeniable that there may be some problems in the process of doing so. However, once it overcomes the difficulties, there is so much it can be used for. And this is why we should take a closer look at genetic engineering and use it to its fullest.