Head Teacher Interview

<Interview with the Principal of Yeoksam Middle School, Kyung Shin Yook>

                                                          Interviewers: 20109 김이령, 20307 김지원, 21129 조윤아

Q: Please introduce yourself; what were your first impressions of Yeoksam Middle School?

A: I was born in 1963 in the rural area of Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do. After graduating from the Department of Physical Education at Seoul National University's College, I was  in the education field for over 20 years, including 9 years as a  vice principal and 4 years as a principal. In 2023, I took on the position of principal at Yeoksam Middle School. My first impression of Yeoksam Middle School was that it is one of the schools in South Korea with the highest educational fervor. The students are well-disciplined, respectful, and mostly innocent, with a strong emphasis on home education. However, I also sensed in them a deep feeling of being trapped in studying and exams during a time when they should be happy, and noticed the constant pressure they face due to society  and adults, which deeply affected me.

Q: What are the most important values at school?

A: I believe that respect and trust are the most important values. In order to achieve this, teachers should strive to develop themselves and find fulfillment in teaching, becoming true educators. Students should respect one another and find joy in learning, embodying the qualities of true students. Parents should support their children's schools with love and trust, being exemplary parents. In order to accomplish this, principals should lead with respect and consideration, setting an example of respect and trust. I believe it is essential for all the stakeholders in education to respect and trust one another.

Q: What are some important traits and values needed as a student?

A: Friendship and good character are incredibly important. We must ensure that friendships do not suffer due to competition. Forming good friendships during school years is essential for smooth social interactions and a fulfilling life. On the other hand, neglecting friendships and character for the sake of success can lead to a lack of success in social life and a sense of emptiness in one's life. To build good friendships, it is important to acknowledge and respect differences, as well as show consideration for others.

Q: What kind of school environment should we try to develop?

A: It's worth learning from the  geese. Leading the  geese  as a leader, requires a lot of experience and wisdom to guide the flock to distant places with warmth and abundant food. To do, one must abandon ego, listen to the opinions of others, and tirelessly research and strive. Fellow geese are also important. As partners, they should not stand by when the lead of  goose is tired and weary  but others  provide encouragement, support, and share the  difficulties. Criticizing and hindering from behind, just because something doesn't please one's own heart or align with one's own thoughts, is not helpful. A leader should avoid autocracy and egoism, and additionally, when members become disoriented, unable to make the right decisions, or insist on inappropriate directions, the leader should be rational,  patient, and capable of persuading to show the right path.

Q: What are some goals you would like to accomplish as the principal of Yeoksam Middle School?

A: I want to create a safer and happier school environment. Starting with  recent incidents of school violence, students and parents feel anxious and lack of  trust in schools. I will work towards fostering a school culture where students and parents respect, communicate, empathize, and understand each other, thus creating a safe school environment free from bullying and violence. Finally, I will strive to establish a close partnership between homes and schools, ensuring that both success and happiness are pursued simultaneously without sacrificing one for the others.

Q: What are some attitudes needed as  students to success even in their future life?

A; A deep understanding and respect for friends who are different from oneself is necessary. By understanding and respecting others, one can also receive respect from others. Reading helps facilitate understanding of diverse individuals. Just as exercise promotes physical health, reading is essential for building good character and cultivating proper values. It can also serve as a shortcut to success.