My Opinion About School Uniforms

 By 고강준

There is a common misconception that students should wear school uniforms when they are in school. People who subscribe to this notion often claim that school uniforms  strengthen the bond between students to make a united school. However, I believe school uniforms should not be mandatory for all of the students for the following reasons: lowering creativity, the price of uniforms, and the uncomfortable fit of the uniform.

To begin with, school uniforms lower the chance for students to show their creativity and artistic talents. This is happening because nowadays,clothes are worn not only to cover our skin but also to show each person’s traits and personalities . For example, a neat outfit will show how neat a person is, and hip clothes will show how young and trendy the person is. Also, the outfit maysettle the person’s first impressions which will have a huge impact onmany personal relationships. Some people claim that school uniforms are very neat and calm which givese a good first impression. However, these detractors disregard the fact that if there are a massive amount of people wearing the same outfit, they would not be able to give us a unique first impression. Therefore, students should be allowed to wear their personal clothes in order to show their individual traits.

Furthermore, in Korea, school uniforms are too expensive. This is because the companies that make the school uniforms are aware of the schools’ policies. They use that against students, as school uniforms are mandatory, they would be able to benefit from having higher prices for uniforms. For instance, in Korea, the average price of school uniforms is 300,000₩, which is a massive amount of money. Also, the companies that produce school uniforms are fixing the price of the uniforms. Some people claim that the price of school uniforms may not be an excuse for us since the government supports each house by giving them money to buy the uniforms. However, these critics disregard the fact that since the school uniform’s price is worth calling, the price of uniforms are skyrocketing unlikeapart from the quality of themose. Therefore, there should not be school uniforms because of the unreal price of school uniforms. 

Lastly, the uncomfortable fit of school uniforms is a major problem. This is because the companies are reducing the cost that is used when producing the clothes. For instance, the pliability of the clothes is quite badare too bad to wear in normal life. Also, since teenagers move and exercise a lot, they often tend to sweat a lot. However, the breathability of school uniforms is so atrocious bad that they cause greenhouse effects in our bodies.  Some people claim that since school is made up of a big group of people,  the clothes may not suit the tastes of everyone could not fit all of the people perfectly. However, these critics disregard the fact that since the price is increasing most of the people believe the quality of the clothes should be enhanced. Therefore, schools should not force students to wear school uniforms because of the uncomfortable fit of uniforms.

In conclusion, I believe that the policy about school uniforms should be abolished. While I do concede that school uniforms may increase the bond between students, itt is clear that there are more side effects than advantages. In fact, it may even be beneficial for schools to allow students to wear their personal clothes in the future.