Should Covid-19 vaccine be distributed around the world for free?

Should Covid-19 vaccine be distributed around the world for free?

By 10918 Yeo Jun-Yeop

The vaccine was made by the sacrifice of thousands of people’s time and efforts. In fact, those people have a family to support. With all of that time and effort, where is their reward? They deserve to be lucrative for what they’ve accomplished. Also, when free vaccines are distributed around the world, it will be unbalanced and cause problems. No matter what the issue is, all the people should think about the value of life before all the other things. The world already lost enough people. We do not need to risk our lives anymore.

In light of this, our House would therefore propose/contend/argue/put forth/advance/etc. 

alternative Theme-line – namely, that we need to balance the protection of public health and the protection of the economy. So if one of them gets more important, it will be unbalanced and it will cause problems. We should not give out the vaccine to the world for free.

The first thing to note here is the value of life such as public health. We need to balance the protection of public health and the protection of the economy because if one of them gets more important, it will be unbalanced and it will cause severe problems. 

This is because covid19 vaccines might have side effects, leading to possible harm to the taken. It is stated that the vaccine shows erratic results to children under 18 like us. When it’s taken, it will cause harm to our bodies instead of actually serving its purpose. 

As a prime example, consider the research conducted by the baker institute blog on May 6th 2020. It finds that herd immunity is estimated to require that 60% of a population be exposed. This may take a shorter period of time without precautions (Sweden), and up to two years without vaccines or drugs. If vaccines and drugs are available by the end of the year, Covid-19 exposure by then may be 20% to 40%. An average mortality rate of 0.75% will be used in all calculations. Which means that it will be better if the more developed countries get vaccinated first than less developed countries because then we can reach a higher percentage of herd immunity.

It should thus be clear that giving out free vaccines would not be fair to anyone. It is a very irresponsible, thoughtless thing to do when we consider all the circumstances that could happen.