2021 Archive

The Immortalization of Thought 

To this day, innumerous discrimination has gradually been alleviated...read more

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: Spilling the 'Tea'

Not a lot of countries still have royals, kings and queens, princes and princesses in their thrones. However, there is a country... read more.

Z & A – Generation’s Fashion by Chaeyoon Ahn

 The fashion of the new generation is special. There was a new generation in any era. They were variously called with alphabets such... read more

Everything you have to know about snakes 

These days, exotic pets are getting popular such as reptiles and amphibians...read more

Hate crimes against the LGBTQ+ community

by Siyeon Park

There have been countless crimes against the LGBTQ+community, some even dating back decades ago. They have been increasing more and more throughout the years... read more.

Gaza came under two major artillery strikes on 10 May 2021 and 14 May 2021, leading to numerous civilian casualties ... read more.

#Save Myanmar 

In November 2020, when the ruling National Democratic Federation of Myanmar (NLD), led by Aung San Soo-chi won an overwhelming victory, the military initiated a coup about the results of the general election...read more.

Hahn & Company Buys Namyang Dairy: A New Beginning?

On May 27th 2021, Hahn & Company took control over Namyang Dairy’s management... read more

3800 crimes related to Asian hate reported in the US,  during the pandemic

During the pandemic, 3800 incidents related to hate regarding Asians were reported to the police in the US...read more

Coronavirus is affecting everyone’s lives all around the world. It was declared as a pandemic, and it has spread... read more.

 As Covid-19 spread across the world, the use of plastic increased quickly. In South Korea...read more.

Elon Musk and The Crypto Currency Wave

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, founder of the Boring Company and billionaire, has instigated the whole cryptocurrency market... read more.

Japan approves releasing wastewater into ocean 

On April 13, Japan announced they will release 1.25 million tons of treated wastewater contaminated by the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean...read more

Should Covid-19 vaccine be distributed around the world for free?

The vaccine was made by the sacrifice of thousands of people’s time and efforts. In fact, those people have a family to support. With all of that time and effort, where is their reward? ...read more 

Fire Alert! 

A fire broke out at 5:36 a.m. on June 17th at the Coupang Deokpyeong Logistics Center in Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do...read more

Should drug-related criminals be treated for addiction before sending them to prison?

Some people think drug-related criminals should be sent to prison and not treat them from addiction.... read more 

AZER: the first university idol in history

Many students dream of becoming famous pop stars and celebrities when young but soon give up on their dreams after starting their studies as they realize how it is almost an impossible dream to pursue. ...

Winner-takes-all labor markets: neoliberalism and why we must refrain from 

A winner-takes-all labor market refers to an economy in which only the few best performers garner a great majority of the rewards, while the remaining competitors are left with very little. ...read more 

Beauty injections : A beauty trend or Disaster? 

Botox, a beauty trend to make you look more beautiful and perfect. ...read more 

Trendy Hanbok Appearing in K-pop Culture 

Nowadays, we can see famous stars appearing with Hanbok in music videos or dramas. ...read more 

Is there a boundary between cultural appropriation and appreciation?

Khloe Kardashian has been accused of cultural appropriation recently, following the precedent of her sisters Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian being accused of ‘blackfishing’. ...read more 

Yoon Yeo Jung and Minari

South Korean actor Yoon Yeo jung won Best Supporting Actress at the 2021 Oscars for her performance in Minari...read more 

Ethic Conflicts and Books

Recently, There has been multiple cases of reports stating that books are causing discrimination...read more 

Impossible to Live without Falling

You may once have heard Joanne Rowling, also known as J.K. Rowling, the most successful writer in history....read more 

A Year of Music

It’s been nearly over a year since the pandemic has started but not every moment of it was boring and dull..read more