Megabox Coex : the perfect movie theater

By: 박시연

Since COVID-19 restrictions are almost gone, more and more people are going back to theaters to watch movies. When COVID still had a huge impact on the world, people were forbidden from going to the movies at all. After some restrictions were lifted, it was allowed to visit theaters but had to always have a mask on the social distance. Now, people are able to watch movies without masks, nor social distancing. Therefore, the number of people visiting theaters has noticeably increased compared to when COVID first started.

One of the theaters that would be the easiest to get to from Yeoksam Middle School would be Megabox Coex. The theater won the award for the best movie theater in Asia in 2004. In 2005, it broke a world record for having six million and nineteen hundred thousand visitors in a year. It still holds many events such as VIP showings and red carpet shows.

Experiencing the theater myself, the facilities were clean and the place itself was big enough to fit many clubs from the school that were visiting. It had such a big selection of movies to choose from, which makes it possible for people of any age to enjoy their time there. As restrictions no longer forbade people from going to the theater, the amount of people that could be seen there was way more than what I had expected. However, the theater was so huge that it could fit everyone in without any problems, which made it especially suitable for bigger groups of people or families. The overall environment there ensures that every visitor is comfortable, so the whole movie experience is much more enjoyable. For example, in the hot and humid weather when the school visited, the air conditioning cooled everyone down and put everyone in the perfect condition for watching the movie in peace. Also, the seats were comfortable, as during a movie, one would have to sit down without moving much for several hours. All of the facilities combined created a comfortable environment for people to enjoy the movie even more, which makes it a great theater without a doubt. 

Another reason why Megabox Coex is a great place to watch movies is the fact that there are many more places to visit in Coex, in the same building as the theater. This way, people have many other entertaining places to visit after or before watching the movies. There are several restaurants, shops of popular clothing or makeup brands, cafes and even a book shop. Whatever it is that you are looking for, Coex probably has it. The location of the theater makes it much easier for people to enjoy a day out without having to take the time to travel to different places.

In conclusion, as the facilities and location of Megabox Coex is pretty much perfect, it would be a great place to go to watch a movie. It definitely deserved the award for the best Asian theater, and I hope I get a chance to visit the theater again in the future if possible.