New Era of Monkeypox Virus 

By Gang Jun Kho

Our world has been suffering from COVID-19 for roughly 3 years. The world’s economy froze, and everyone was depressed. However, as 2022 started, the spread of COVID-19 started to slow down. It seemed that the world would be able to smile again, until the first confirmed case of Monkeypox Virus appeared in Singapore. Many experts believe Monkeypox may be the next trial given to human beings. 

Some people may not be acquainted with what Monkeypox is. Monkeypox is a rare disease caused by infection with Monkeypox Virus. Monkeypox virus belongs to the Orthopoxvirus genus in the family Poxviridae. The Orthopoxvirus genus also includes smallpox, and cowpox virus. Monkeypox was initially discovered in 1958 when a pox-like disease occurred between a colony of monkeys that were kept for research. The first human case was reported by the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1970. Since then, Monkeypox has been recorded as endemic in some countries in western Africa. However, as Monkeypox started to occur in other countries, W.H.O.(World Health Organization) updated Monkeypox as a 2nd degree infectious disease. 

There are three main infection routes of the Monkeypox. According to C.D.C(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the three main routes are direct contact with the infectious body fluids, respiratory secretions during physical contact, and touching items that were previously touched by the infectious rash or body fluids. They also claim that it is possible for people to get Monkeypox by consuming an infected animal’s meat. If someone is applicable to even just one of these routes, the person will very likely be infected. 

Unfortunately, the symptoms of Monkeypox are severely painful. In agreement with C.D.C., the symptoms of Monkeypox include fever, headache, muscleaches, backaches, chills and exhaustion. If one is applicable to only 3 of these symptoms, they would need to go to the hospital. To compare the symptoms of Monkeypox with that of COVID-19, the severity of symptoms of Monkeypox are lower than COVID-19. Nevertheless, the symptoms may differ from person to person, which means the signs of Monkeypox may appear much more seriously to some people. 

Since the number of confirmed cases of Monkeypox are rising, the interest in vaccines is naturally increasing. Fortunately, W.H.O. is propelling the introduction of a smallpox vaccine called “Imvanex”. It was manufactured by a Danish vaccine company called “Bavarian Nordic” in 2013. Moreover, W.H.O. is impeling the import of Jynneos (A Monkeypox vaccine made by the U.S.) in order to be ready for the shortage of “Imvanex”. 

Many experts and medical organizations are preparing for the Monkeypox virus. Since the world has seen world-wide depression and difficulties originated from a very minute virus called Coronavirus, Monkeypox is creating tension for the world. People should take interest in the Monkeypox virus and cope with the virus as quickly as possible  in order not to repeat the same mistake.