Messages From Our Graduating Students...

"Goodbye, goodbye for now. I really can't say a word. My heart, its full of you. The only thing I can do is to love you. I hope to see you again." Paul Kim, lyrics from 안녕(Goodbye).

Good Bye message to my homeroom teacher - 30116

I want to say thank you and good bye to my homeroom teacher. Teacher always did his best to make our class fun and happy. Thanks to you, I was so excited to go to my classroom throughout this year. I was so proud that I was your student. Thank you for making class fun and for listening carefully what students want. You were the best homeroom teacher I have ever met. I won’t forget you. Thank you and good bye.

To teachers and friends

Hi! My name is Ja Yoon Jeong. Is it already this hour. I’m sad that I couldn’t make a lot of memories because of Corona, but thank you all for the hard times. You must be worried about high school, but if you get over the hump, it will be a new start. Although we met during the tough Corona period this time, I hope we can meet in a good time in the distant future. Thank you all and be happy.

From Ja Yoon Jeong

“Stay hungry stay foolish” -Steve Jobs

This year, I was very disappointed about this pandemic situation because the progression was devastating and this was something I’d never experienced before. As a result, there were few days I could go to school and there were few activities to do. I came to think that nothing could be worse than this. However, even during that short period of time going to school, me and my friends were able to have a good time at school. Although we struggled a lot for some difficulties, we overcame them very well together. The end of the year is coming. Which means that we will soon leave Yeoksam middle school and go to high school, saying goodbye to each other. I feel so sad but thinking positively, it's exciting to move forward to the next phase. “It's time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I'd much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.” This is a quote from Ernie Harwell. It tells us that goodbyes are sad but in fact it's just the process of progress. When we graduate, we will go on our separate ways but I hope to meet my friends together with success someday~ 

I moved to Korea about five months ago, and this school was definitely an interesting experience, to say the least. It was okay, I guess, as the people here were friendly. I don't really have much to say as I only "attended" school for about a month, and it's hard to get attached to something in just a month. Even though it was a less than ideal experience, I will still remember it in like 20-30 years for its own reasons. For the future students, it will all be the same old sayings that everyone says, such as, "follow your dreams" or "do your own thing, don't listen to other people trying to bring you down". I was tired of hearing those phrases overseas, but in this country, I kind of think it is important because of the amount of academic pressure there is and not having much time to really learn other things that you want to learn. My favorite quote is probably from Albert Einstein, who is a deity between schools and teachers worldwide. "Never memorize something that you can look up." 

A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.” -Colin Powell 

2020 was a hard time because of Covid-19. Still, we would have worked hard on our work. In the future, we will have to adapt to Covid-19 and end it one day. It's time to say goodbye to your beloved school, friends, and teachers. But we don't have to worry because we'll meet someday. 

I came to Yeoksam Middle School this summer. Due to Covid, everything was unusual. I was afraid about making friends... Luckily, all my friends treated me nicely. Thank you guys! I will miss this school and all of you. 


Goodbye, Yeoksam middle school! It has been such wonderful three years to be a student in Yeoksam. I think I will never forget my friends and teachers. Thank you for giving me a memorable middle school times at Yeoksam! 

To younger students of this school This school is only though in test periods. In other time of the year, this school is great and easy to go to. Study hard in test periods, and try to get good grades! 

“No matter how hard you work, someone else is working harder.” -Elon Musk 

For the younger students: If you want to get good grade at English test, study grammer really really hard and you should memorize English words perfectly. 

Welcome to Yeoksam middle school new students! You might be worrying about middle school life, however just enjoy Yeoksam life because it will be a good memory 

"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable."  - Christopher Reeve 

Though we haven’t had a lot of times with each other, it was enough good year. I hope that I and my friends will meet at high school again. 

It was a wonderful time as Yeoksam Middle School student. I hope everyone can overcome this pandemic and have their own memory. 

"If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success." -James Cameron 

Three years of school was fun and even though we'll probably go to different high schools, everyone take care of yourselves!

It was a very good time to study together at school. I think I learn a lot from my friends too. 

Today is opportunity to build the tomorrow you want. Don't be afraid of fail ,but never quit. 

"Believe you can and you're halfway there." 

I was lucky to be a student of Yeoksam Middle School for last 3 years. I will miss it! 

I wish corona virus cleanly disappear when the beginning of the school term. 

I’ve been really happy for three years and I’ll never forget those moments. 

Goodbye Yeoksam middle school and I'll miss our cute younger students 

Goodbye my school... My old friends, I hope that we can meet again! 

If you're into football, stop and start playing basketball. 

"Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. "

항상 최선을 다해라 (always try your best) 

Hey younger students of YMS, I just want to give you one advice. It is that you might think your middle school life will be wasted by corona virus, but Do not give up on your study or dreaming. 

I am as proud of what we don't do as I am of what we do. -Steve Jobs 

Though this year was terrible, for three years I had wonderful time with my friends and teachers. I was lucky to be a student of Yeoksam Middle school. 

(I'll write some advice for the younger students)

Hi, I'm a student who will graduate soon. If I have to say only one thing to you, I will tell you to study math. I'm pretty sure many students younger than me are much better in math than me. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about students who aren't good at math and sincerely hate math. Being one of them, I've been denying the importance of math. But I realized that I was foolish. Study math even if you really hate it. We can't enter a good college nor have a proper job if we aren't good at math in Korea. Don't regret before you go to high school. Instead, start studying math right now. 


Bye bye Yeoksam 

Thanks to my teachers who taught me for three years. Bye Bye!! 

Dear 7th and 8th graders, please study more when you can. Time passes by quickly. 

I can't believe It's already time to say goodbye. Time flies like an arrow and it's completion of middle school days after a short while. I'm sorry that I haven't done and tried much more. I would like to advise the younger students to plan, move and try more instantly. Time doesn't wait for you.       

Goodbye, yeoksam middle school! I was so fun for three years at school with good friends and teachers. I have to go high school so I should leave yeoksam but I will remember yeoksam forever. Thank you all teacher and students. I will miss yeoksam so much. 

I hope younger students would enjoy their time in Yeoksam middle school. 

The end is just the beginning :D 

The last 3 years was one of my best time in my life. With my friends and teachers I was always enjoying our life. I hope you guys take care of yourselves and get through your hard times. I just can't believe my school life is done. 

“Don’t stop when you’re tired; stop when you’re done.”

— Marilyn Monroe 

Bye Yeoksam .

The most beautiful way to start and end a day is with a GRATEFUL HEART.          -Peanuts- 

It was fun and useful during school and I’m sad i have to graduate.

Thanks you for teaching me

I’ll  always remember yeoksam school. 

Please change playground in to grass. Not sand. Because sand is uncomfortable. 

I wish you always have happy days. 

Bye-bye! It was a wonderful 3 years! 

"Behind every fear, lies a wish." 

It is such an honor to graduate Yeoksam middle school. We hope our younger friends go to school happily after we third graders graduate the school too. My life at Yeoksam Middle School was eventful and also full of joy. I'm sure I won't forget my teens in Yeoksam Middle School where I have so many nice memories. 

-30614 서지우 

Enjoy these last school days !

Good bye my friends. Good bye my friends. Goodbye teacher