Everything you have to know about snakes

Everything you have to know about snakes

By. Jeong uk lee 

These days, exotic pets are getting popular such as reptiles and amphibians. And one of the most exotic pets you can ever have is a snake. Snake is an animal which looks like a lizard without legs. Then where do snakes live and what characteristics do they have?

Q: Where do snakes normally live?

A: Snakes can live everywhere except super extreme habitats such as the North pole and the South pole. They live in hot deserts, humid jungles, in the ocean, and they even live in a dirty urban sewer!

Q: Do they really stick their tongue out to smell?

A: They stick their tongue out to get the scent of animals and put the tongue in an organ called Jacobson’s organ. Therefore, it can be seen as an act of smelling.

Q: Did snakes also have legs?

A: Yes, they did. If you look at the tail part of a boa snake or python, there are two small horn looking things sticking out. They are the degenerated legs from ancient snakes. Snakes still use them to mate.

Q: Is it true that most snakes have venom?

A: The answer is no. There are over 3,000 species of snakes in the world, only 10% of them have venom, and only 1% of snakes in the world have deadly venom that can kill people.

Q: Can we really tell if there’s venom or not just by looking at the shape of the snake's head?

A: No, you shouldn’t determine whether the snake has venom or not just by looking at it’s head shape. It’s true that lots of venomous snakes have triangle shaped heads, but there are non-venomous snakes that have triangle shaped heads, and venomous snakes that have round heads. 

non-venomous snake with triangle head 

venomous snake with round head