This Belongs In A Museum! To I Belong In A Museum.

By: 오주한

     The recent Indiana Jones movie, ‘The Dial Of Destiny’ has left many people feeling robbed of their money and calling the movie a quick cash-grab. This kind of cash-grab works because of the sheer amount of reputation that the film series has picked up over the years, and as big companies such as Marvel, Pixar, and Disney start to focus more on printing out more money for themselves, it is no surprise that the latest film involves a old and shabby Harrison Ford gets ‘back on the saddle’ to supposedly finish a series that should’ve ended years ago. 

     The movie starts with Indiana Jones and his colleague Basil Shaw as they infiltrate a Nazi train to retrieve an ancient artifact called the Lance Of Longinus. When they finally get their hands on it, they find out it is a fake and instead get their hands on the Archimedes Dial, which is rumored to grant whoever wields it the power to control time. The two then escape the train with the dial in their hands. Cut to 1960, where Indiana Jones is a lot older and is teaching at Hunter college. His goddaughter Helena shows up and says that she wants the Archimedes dial for science and research (it is later revealed that she wants to sell it and get some money). Indy goes to get the half of the dial but is interrupted by Nazis who also want the dial. Helena takes the half dial in the mess and runs away. Indy now knowing that she is gonna use it for the wrong means, chases her down and eventually follows her to a casino in Tangier and confronts her while she is trying to sell the dial. However the scene gets messy because of Nazis and Helena and Indy along with Teddy, a boy who works at the casino, run away. They then travel the world finding clues to get to the other half of the dial and eventually find out that Archimedes’s tomb is in Sicily. The trio go there and find the dial in the corpse’s hands, along with a wrist watch to their surprise. The Nazis however, find this and take the completed dial for themselves. Their goals are to go back in time, kill Hitler and lead the Nazis to win the war. The Nazis take Indy on to their plane and open a portal to take them back in time. Teddy also starts another plane and follows them into the portal. They get sucked in, not realizing that Archimedes wouldn’t have been able to think of Continental Drift, and that therefore it would not be able to take them to the era they would want. The plane ends up in an era when Archimedes was alive, more specifically in The Second Punic War, and their plane crashes from attacks by the soldiers below. Indy somehow makes it out alive with the Nazis now dead.  Jones then meets Archimedes, who thought that Jones could help them win their war and save Rome. Indy refuses and is ready to die in this scene of history, but Helena rescues him despite his refusal and takes Teddy‘s plane, flying it into the  portal that is about to close. Indy wakes up in his apartment and is seen having a happy ending.

     To be honest, the film is not the worst if you do not think about how bright the movie's predecessors were. However, the story is still hard to follow along and feels rushed and incomplete, which is understandable thinking that this is just a quick cash-grab. No matter how profitable the Indiana Jones franchise once was, I believe that Disney and the many fans still waiting for more movies should let it come to an end, like all good things in life.