Raquel Montealegre

English-Chinese Students receive 400 pesos every month from the Filipino-Chinese chamber as an assistance to their additional expenses associated with learning the Chinese language.

BSE English-Chinese students after allowance distribution

Photo courtesy to Ms. Margaret Baello, English-Chinese Department Coordinator      

Students from the English-Chinese program receive financial support from the Filipino-Chinese Chamber every month. This allowance is intended for the internet and additional expenses of the students studying Chinese language. The College of Education Dean, Dr. Ramona Prado and English-Chinese coordinator, Ms. Margaret Baello, took the lead to process the scholarship allowance for the English-Chinese students. Students receive this allowance either every month or every two months depending on the amendment and process of the Filipino chamber. Once they receive the allowance, they are required to sign a form for the transparency of record. 

This school year 2022-2023, a total of 15,600 pesos were distributed to all first and second-year students in the English-Chinese program from North and South campuses. First year students have a total number of 14, 9 students from South campus and 5 students from North campus. Meanwhile, second year students have a total number of 25, 3 students from South campus and 22 students from North campus. Overall, 39 students are the beneficiaries of this scholarship allowance.

In line with this, one of the students from English-Chinese second-year level named John Erwin Volante shared his experience with this allowance program. “The allowance from the Chinese chamber is a big help for me, especially during pandemic days. It helped me in a way that every time I am having difficulties regarding my internet connection, I was able to use the money to have a load and attend the online classes. And now, the allowance helps me to buy the necessary things that I use in school. It is not too much but I guess it's a great help," said John Erwin. To students like him, the monthly allowance is very helpful in educational expenses. Based on the statement, this program is beneficial to students like John Erwin Valonte that distributes roles in his life in different aspects as a student. 

The Filipino-Chinese Chamber was established to forge stronger ties between China and the Philippines. The chamber seeks to implement and maintain social welfare, charitable, and educational projects like the allowance program for English-Chinese students at the University of Caloocan City. The two countries would benefit from their partnership in terms of economic prosperity and the reduction of poverty. With that, University of Caloocan City is one of the selected schools that is fortunate to attain this kind of support from the Filipino-Chinese Chamber.