Rosalie May Bautista

On 17th of August 2023, the BSE English-Chinese students were welcomed by the 2nd year English students on the first day of on-site classes with enthusiasm, leading to both departments being praised for its successful exchange of a cross-cultural friendship.

Cheerful smiles and friendship captured as they celebrate success on their first merged performance at University of caloocan City.

Photo courtesy of  Micah Pauline Blacano

The Bachelor of Secondary Education English second-year majors of University of Caloocan City South recently welcomed the students from the English-Chinese department with eagerness, setting an encouraging tone during their first day of face to face classes.

The decision to merge the two departments came about due to the small number of students enrolled in the English Chinese Department at University of Caloocan City South campus, with only four students total, Micah Pauline Blacano, Angel Malana, Jonna Mae Hermo and Micaela Jean del Rosario. 

With only four students listed in BSE English Chinese, the College of Education led by Dean Ramona Prado and English-Chinese Department Coordinator Margaret Baello work jointly to merge the English and English Chinese departments. The COE felt it was important to create an environment where both students and educators could benefit from a shared educational experience.

By merging the two programs, English and English-Chinese majors can take some of their similar courses together under the supervision and guidance of the same professor. The merge is recommended and preferred for maximizing the time of the instructor and fully leveraging the use of their resources, such as electronic devices, lesson plan and guides and further teaching materials. 

Throughout the course of the program, English and English-Chinese BSE students collaborated on various tasks, including projects, performance tasks, daily activities, and school work. Both departments have been praised multiple times for their efforts in creating an inclusive and welcoming learning environment for all students and infusing Chinese touches to their works. 

"Our hard work paid off after one of our professors commended us for doing a great job on our demo teaching in Principle and Theories in language acquisition, we  also got a perfect score on our final examination in Speech and theatre arts,” Ms. Jonna Hermo said.

The English and English-Chinese friendship are geared toward creating a strong sense of camaraderie and fostering understanding between the two departments. Having the English-Chinese students attend the on-site classes was just one of the many steps taken by the college of education to promote a positive alliance.

The Department of English is delighted to witness the enthusiasm and drive of the students, who have taken the lead in creating a strong sense of understanding and will continue to foster the exchange of ideas between english and english chinese departments in the future.

The College of Education is proud to support the exciting merge of programs between English and English-Chinese sophomore students, where both departments have the opportunity to learn more about each other's major. This collaboration has been successful in creating a mutually respectful environment amongst both parties, as they gain invaluable insight into their respective areas of study.

Incredible bond and collaboration forged between the English and English-Chinese BSE students

Photo courtesy of Jonna Mae Hermo

Through this program, the College of Education believes that students will gain a greater appreciation for their own studies and those of their peers in different majors. 

The program provides participating students with a unique educational experience that will benefit them academically, personally, and professionally for years to come.