Simon Peter Buquel

In the realm of love, where hearts intertwine,

Two souls danced in rhythm, a love undefined.

In stolen glances, their connection grew,

Yet fear and hesitation their feelings did subdue.

With every passing day, their bond did deepen,

Yet their lips remained sealed, secrets they were keepin'.

Like two stars in the night, their love burned bright,

But the words unsaid cast shadows, blocking out the light.

In their hearts, a whirlwind of emotions swirled,

Longing and desire, their souls unfurled.

But doubt and uncertainty clouded their view,

Leaving them wondering if their love would ever break through.

Oh, the regrets that whispered in their ears,

A symphony of what-ifs, a chorus of tears.

For time slipped away, like sand through their grasp,

And the fear of rejection held them in its clasp.

They danced around the truth, in a delicate charade,

Playing hide and seek, in the masquerade.

But oh, the beauty that could blossom if they dared,

To embrace vulnerability, to lay their souls bare.

For love is a flame, fierce and wild,

It yearns to be expressed, to reconcile.

Regret, like a specter, haunts their hearts,

Reminding them of the chances they let depart.

So, lovers dear, seize the moment at hand,

For life is but fleeting, like grains of sand.

Confess your love, let your truth unfold,

For the regret of silence is a burden untold.

Speak your heart's desires, let your love take flight,

Break free from the shackles, let darkness turn to light.

For the sweetest melody, the purest refrain,

Is the confession of love, released from the chain.

So, lovers, confess, before it's too late,

Don't let the regret linger, seal your fate.

For in the courage to speak, there lies a chance,

To embrace the love that's waiting, in a magical dance.