Jenny Mae Boquila

A photo opportunity to commemorate the summary conference of UCC and HQU happened  on February 17, 2023. 

Photo courtesy of Ms. Liu Shanshan, Chinese Teacher

Volunteer student teachers from the University of Caloocan City (UCC) and Huaqiao University (HQU) led by Ms. Liu Shanshan, head teacher in a Chinese course, organized a program that assists each others' competency in mastering the English and Chinese languages.

  Through building an interdependence in learning and communication between the Chinese and Filipino students, the Filipino-Chinese Volunteer Practice Team of HQU assigned student teachers that will accommodate the needs in delivering the two languages.


      One of their strategies is to assign different study groups divided into two categories—English and Chinese— that will persist the learning of both languages in the scheduled period.

Chinese review class with 2nd year English- Chinese students conducted on February 26, 2023.

Photo courtesy of Jenny Mae Boquila

According to the leader of the Filipino-Chinese Volunteer Practice Team of HQU, Huang Huiqing, each volunteer student  in a group “ acted as little teacher”.


  Chinese volunteers help UCCians to review and integrate their knowledge in Mandarin, consisting of reading and writing activities, and communication practices for the preparation of HSK and HSKK examinations.

February 17, 2023 - Huang Huiqing delivering her speech during the summary conference of UCC and HQU.

Photo courtesy of Jenny Mae Boquila

 "The Chinese students helped the UCC students to review and consolidate their Chinese language knowledge," Huang said.   

    "Teach Chinese" is one of the activities of HQU to enhance the Chinese language skill of UCCians and use the language for their future endeavors as educators.

  Meanwhile, Filipino volunteers taught the English language to Chinese students through speaking and listening modalities.

  November 7, 2022 - UCC student, Rona Jane Gula in her first English class with HQU student. 

Photo courtesy of Rona Jane Gula

Huang shared how she uses the language confidently and is able to express herself with her student teacher, stating, "I was able to share my ideas and opinions in English more comfortably and talked about our views about consumption and love."

      The Filipino-Chinese Volunteer Practice Program will continue as it inspires both country's to inherit and pass the friendship among Chinese-Philippines and "not stop until achieved."