Romarie Car E. Dela Rosa

The month of May is National Cancer Research Month, a time to celebrate the continued efforts of researchers who devote their careers to better understanding and treating cancer.

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) developed and spread awareness about National Cancer Research Month highlighting the value of research that can save the lives of millions of people worldwide who are suffering from a deadly disease - cancer. The AACR warmly invites everyone to support this international awareness campaign. More than 18 million people in the United States and millions more around the world are cancer patients who are living cancer patients who continue to live  beyond the effects of their disease as a result of the amazing advancements made in cancer research. Despite these breakthroughs, there are still too many individuals who failed to survive due to the terrible illnesses they have. The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) therefore hopes that you will take some of your time to show your unwavering support for innovative cancer research that will surely save a lot of lives.

In order to help scientists to find a cure for cancer, National Cancer Research Month aims to advocate, inform, and raise awareness to people about cancer. The AACR also collaborates with prominent medical professionals, cancer facilities, advocates, and research organizations to conduct cancer-related studies . Uniting  in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic is one of the key objectives of National Cancer Research Month in 2021. In fact, the medical needs  of cancer patients afflicted by COVID-19 are  being supported by more than 48,000 AACR members who specialize in cancer research.

Currently, there is no known treatment for cancer. Every day, scientists worldwide perform research and seek to find a treatment for lethal malignancies like mesothelioma.The research about cancer is in the process of advancing the medication that could help people to have treatments that have a potential to cure million of lives

Researchers are developing effective  approaches to treat cancer and enhance patient prognosis. Every one of us could play a vital role in advocating cancer research by bringing awareness to people and celebrating the hard work of both  scientists and physicians that are spending time, effort, and resources in conducting numerous life-saving research. 

There are recommended ways that are spreading on social media, Health Awareness Organization Pages, etc., that could lead us to support National Cancer Research Month. Cancer advocates work really hard to help and support the improvement of the lives of people with cancer. They do this in several ways: Supporting those living with cancer, Raising awareness about cancer and related issues, Advancing cancer research, Improving the quality of cancer care, Call members of Congress to support research, Donate blood and platelets for cancer research, Donate money to cancer research foundations, Participate in a clinical trial, Share your cancer journey story with others, Thank a doctor, physician, or oncologist and many more. Cancer advocacy is frequently regarded as a rewarding and powerful endeavor. Find possibilities that fit your interests, talents, and skills if you're interested in becoming a cancer advocate. A Small Act of Kindness Can Make a Big Difference, let’s spread awareness about cancer!