Nhoel Gutierrez

Such all radio waves, Wi-Fi signals undergo modifications when they come into contact with objects and people; however, these changes can reveal information about the shape and motion of the object encountered-in any case, might someone spy on us if the Wi-Fi is hacked?

According to Internet Usage in America and The World Statistics, there are 4.9 billion active internet users globally. That amounts to 62% of the world's total population. 

The Internet is perhaps the most important technological invention of the modern day, particularly in education. By simply tapping the data or Wi-Fi icon on mobile phones or other devices, students and teachers can access instructional resources from anywhere via cellular data or Wi-Fi.

However, other studies claim that the abuse of these inventions can potentially bring harm to people or even compromise one's privacy. 


According to Jiaqi Geng, Dong Huang, and Fernando De la Torre of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, they aimed to see if they could utilize Wi-Fi to record people's behavior within otherwise inaccessible rooms. They have discovered that they can, as they disclose in an arXiv posting. 

They explain how they passed Wi-Fi signals from a room with appropriate routers through an artificial-intelligence algorithm trained on signals from persons doing known activities. This method was able to recreate moving digital pictures of the people in the room, known as pose estimations.

With regards to this, this will prompt hackers or external attackers to employ this technology and convert these signals into motion detectors, monitoring activities inside a location where the Wi-Fi router is situated while remaining undetected.

Concerning, it is simple to tell who may be interested in turning a place's Wi-Fi network into a small surveillance. Anyone can, because there is a high chance of this crime to be committed if we don’t have online security and awareness from the devices that we are using.


Hackers may disable your router, monitor your Wi-Fi connection, and even listen in on discussions in order to obtain personal information such as credit card numbers and passwords to your social media accounts. They typically use phishing scams, spam email or instant messages and bogus websites to deliver dangerous malware to your devices and compromise security.

If you discover your internet connection is substantially slower than usual, this could be evidence that an unwanted intruder has gained access to your network, as attackers may attempt to connect to your network using unfamiliar devices. When there are unexplained transactions, suspicious or unapproved modifications, hackers may have already installed hazardous software. Do not simply disregard these danger signs; instead, take actions to prevent them from getting worse.

With this in mind, what precautions will you take if this situation arises? As users, we must be aware of the possibility that our privacy will be violated if we fail to protect ourselves when using the internet. Monitoring your network activity while additionally taking the initiative to establish your router and Wi-Fi security with the highest security settings can lessen the chance of a cybercriminal breaching your security measures and stealing confidential data from you.

There is a lot of wrong information, unprotected websites, and malwares or viruses on the Internet which are the factors that lead to cybercrime. One wrong click, then you are already in danger. Thus, If you are being spied on, what are you going to do?