
Message from Editor-in-Chief

Rona Jane Gula

We Siyu News Editor-in-Chief

It has been a great honor to take the position of Editor-in-Chief of We Siyu Campus Paper. With the support and guidance of our campus paper adviser, Ms. Stephanie Cambe, and BSE-EngChi program coordinator, Ms. Margaret Baello, the ambition of writing and publishing news has been achieved. Of course, all of this would not be possible without our excellent campus paper committee who worked to ensure that all articles are informative and interesting, and our contributors who served as the minds who think and the hands who write news that are worthy of everyone’s time and attention. My gratitude towards all of you could not be contained in a simple “thank you.”

It was not a smooth sail to get where we are right now. At first, all of us had doubts and fears with our own ability to write news. The phrase “can I really do this?” was inside of our minds the moment we felt the heavy responsibility of being part of a campus paper. However, despite the uncertainties that were clouding our minds, we did it. We were able to overcome those that were hindering us from showing our passion and dedication in writing news. For that, I think we finished the conquest and came out as victors.


The We Siyu Campus Paper started as a simple course project but ended up as something invaluable and irreplaceable for everyone. The lifetime purpose of this brief project is to serve as the reliable news-outlet of readers through writing reports all-embracing different topics. Moreover, our goal can be seen on our name, “SiYu,” which means think and speak in Mandarin. We hope that every reader will also think about and speak their thoughts on the articles we write and publish every time they visit our campus paper. With that, our committee and contributors pledge to continue delivering trustworthy and reliable news to everyone through integrating excellence, integrity, and accountability to everything we write.


To all of you who are reading this write now, I proudly present to you the first ever campus paper of BSE-English Chinese Program. Welcome to We Siyu Campus Paper.