Phoebe Ramos

Ms. Liu ShanShan, a Chinese professor, selected sixteen students under BSE major in English-Chinese to teach basic Chinese language to fellow Filipino students at the University of Caloocan City. 

Photo courtesy of Phoebe Ramos

For two weeks, the sixteen students were expected to conduct six classes and each class lasted for one hour. The students were grouped in pairs to make the preparation of the teaching materials easier to plan. Each pair had to teach at least five Filipino students in the modality they prefer and their availability.  

The lesson revolved around Level 1 of Chinese language proficiency. At this level, they taught the students how to introduce themselves and count numbers in the Chinese language. Moreover, Basic structures of grammar in the Chinese language were also taught by the selected students. 

Some selected students stated their thoughts upon receiving the notice of the Basic Chinese language teaching project. 

"I felt nervous because I do not know if I can teach others." Micah Pauline Blancano said as it was her first experience teaching the language.  

Michelle Anoba was also grateful to have been chosen to teach basic Chinese language to other students. "This experience allows us to be a Chinese teacher even for a short time, which is a very good thing since it helped us  hone our skills in teaching the language," she added. 

Simon Peter Buquel also shared his thoughts on this project.  "I felt proud of myself because my professor, Liu Laoshi, had given me this limited opportunity to teach the basic Chinese language to my fellow Filipino students. I felt like I do have the potential to be a good teacher because she believed that I can do this. This makes me believe in myself even more," he said.