The Covid attack – update and analysis


by Steve Cook

I was thinking this morning how my dad’s generation faced the Nazis.

In my 69 years I’ve not seen this country and its people have to face so great an overt threat as the one it now faces.

What my dad’s generation faced was worse. But in my own time, the current threat from the Covid Terror Psyop is the greatest threat to survival my country and its people have faced.

It is another scenario where forfeiting the game is not an option. Hopefully we can find in ourselves the same fighting spirit my father’s generation displayed – indeed, we must.

Interestingly enough, we see more or less the same behind-the-scenes crime syndicates at work.

The international banking cartels financed Hitler’s building of a war machine and then got him to pay them back at interest from the plunder of Europe before his whole barmy operation collapsed. Meanwhile, those fighting him also borrowed from the same cartels of international usurers to fund their effort to fight him.

In the current war, the criminal influences in the background are a new generation of the same bankster crime syndicates and those in their gift and under their influence, the interwoven multinational corporate interests.

Johnson, Hancock and the subversive cabal that is currently bringing, with malice aforethought, the UK into ruin are not the architects of this attack on us.

They are its slightly dim yet seriously corrupt political minions, front men and stooges. The hidden money powers are very good at working via weak-minded political stooges and cheap politicians.

The end game is, among other things, another massive transfer of wealth into the hands of the international money lenders and their corporate matrix.

The Covid19 bug is an unpleasant flu bug that is nevertheless very little, if any, threat to all but a very small but vulnerable percentage of the populace.

It has been propagandised, misrepresented and spun until it is made to appear to be another Black Death or some such thing in order to induce fear and create a fake “national emergency” that “justfies” the bypass of what is left of our already eroded democracy and its supplanting with rule by edict.

The emergency is necessary to justify the suspension of democratic norms and the implementation of dicatorial powers. Thus the “emergency has been and will be kept going as long as is needed to keep those dictatorial powers in play and the populace terrified enough to submit to them.

The aforementioned edicts issued by weak-minded front me are based on instruction or “advice” provided by hidden “scientific” influences, mysterious secret phone calls between Boris Johnson and Bill Gates (in which nobody knows what was said) and other influences whose identity and nature are shrouded in secrecy.

All we see is a slightly demented PM mouthing what he has been told to mouth and yapping about the “science” he has been “listening to” as if it were some kind of imaginery friend, whilst issuing edicts not the slightest backed by real science. We do not see the powers behind this feckless individual who seems bereft of conscience or judgement of his own.

I confess to a perverse admiration of the minds behind this attack. It has been extremely cleverly done and is the final gambit of a prolonged game in which Parliaments across the planet have been patiently seeded with and eventually overrun by the proxies, collaborators, yes men and “blackmailees” for these insidious subversive powers.

Witness the British parliament which has collaborated – with very very few exceptions – en masse with the calamity the subversive agents of Covid Terror Faction have inflicted on the nation.

They have in effect incapacitated our civilisation by making millions of its citizens cower in fear of the flu. It is virtual criminal genius! But not even criminal geniuses are infallible and they make mistakes.

Working in their favour there have thus far been several factors:

Surprise: few saw the exact nature of the attack coming.

Unreality: in nations such as the UK especially, with a history of apparently (APPARENTLY) mild governance and internal order, it is still as yet unreal to many people that such a thing could actually be happening. They cannnot quite – yet – believe it.

But they will. For the third factor has been the fact that the pain of the social and economic destruction inflicted on the nation these past months has not yet been fully felt. But it will be and when it is, the government will find what half-hearted support of the “benefit-of-the-doubt” variety it still has, fast evaporating.

There is another factor the sly masterminds running this op have not taken into account: people will put up with a lot until you stop them working.

You can trace any revolution back to an underlying factor that is often ignored: large sectors of the populace were prevented from working. And by working I mean producing and receiving a fair exchange for one’s production.

And what are these dopes doing? Stopping large swathes of the populace from working whilst at the same time crashing the standard of living that is enjoyed in exchange for our production.

You see an aspect of that folly in the fact that they have contrived to confine many of us to our homes where instead of being busy working, we are sitting at our computers sharing our outrage – or writing articles like this one.

God help them because somewhere up the line there is going to be an explosion.

Because, now it’s our turn . . .