The whole is more 

  than the 

   sum of its parts 

»I'm always doing that which I can't do - in order that I may learn how to do it«

      Pablo Picasso

... as ... 

an amateur photographer and as a full layman


visual art 


conceptual art 




! 'd like to make a contribution to something !    

? that could be defined as ? 

   ?? real virtual art - fully digital art ?? 

and / or 

   ???   next generation conceptual art      <>     new generation conceptual art   ???       

to help identify and challenge assumptions

... do not expect perfected artistic settings ...

but instead a variety of ideas in a row 


: pursuing an overall conceptual theme : 

Windows - Mirrors - Reflection

    Reflective - Mirroring - Windows    

...   beyond this commencement   ... 

you won't find much verbiage here 

» "Formalism" - "Colors" - "Materials" «   



: serving :

as a surrogate for - a ! substitution ! of - artistic content   

! obvious lacking !


 art    in   art  


» old passed away - behold - new is coming «    

     (2 Corinthians 5:17)  

... I "see" ! ...


: extraordinary : 




! creative !

potential of a visual artist



blowing up boundaries of imaginative projection

! literally !

? reality ?     ! reality !

...                        ...

definitely  !

  Mother Nature  is unrelenting - even more so  God  the Father   

        ! Thanks  preacherman for your kind explanation ! ! Oh you are more than welcome my daughter !               


... never mind ...


let your eyes  look forward - behold - on this excursion  into  the  

void         blue

blue         void 


(-;  ===  ;-) 

     or rearward to scrutinize for  



 may be a hopeless endeavor


not least 


   it might turn out to be necessarily difficult to find a rear in windows 

(-; any''way ;-)
  ...            ...   

... what you will find here ...

a kind of 

 immaterial - intangible - inalienable 

all in all 


to any 

existing artistic tradition 




    new kind    

? art ?  

!!! unconventional by its very nature  !!!   


Art of vanishing, an art that exists nowhere save in the afterlife of the mind ... a transient shining line ... simply a document a work of art that itself is made out of nothing more than   effort and intent, and it returns to nothing !!! vanishing within hours of its creation - it isn’t possessable - you can’t buy it - it doesn’t exist !!! All the same it’s free if you want it You simply have to conceive of it  -  to let the idea occupy your imagination

   Olivia Laing  / The  Guardian            


which ought not

and will not be judged


art critics on whether it is 


      (synthetic art : for the "peasant") 



        (genuine art for the : "cultivated spectator") 

 ! my dear visitor !

!!! it is only you who have to make this kind of judgments  !!!

because it is in the eye of 

you as a 

 visitor / viewer

! of course !

artists want to be avant-garde

no doubt about that

it is the very nature of the matter 

! not so me !

... whenever visiting ...
... a ...

museum of modern art 

often do not feel anything other than a "peasant" feels there

 because usually     

am perfectly happy and content with "kitsch" 


since I, for one, do not show particular interest in what is called    

"modern art"


-as mentioned already-

 am I an artist by myself 




hor - ti - cul - tu - rist 



 (-; (-; "Formalism" - "Colors" - "Materials" ;-) ;-)     

...             ...            ...            ...            ...            ...   



  : legal language expert :

↓ ↓ ↓ 

             lawyer-linguist : legal translator / (Jurist-Übersetzer : juristischer Übersetzer  /  jurist-vertaler : juridisch vertaler

)-:  (;- alcoholist  ;-)  :-(


 ... moreover ...

 am very happy to provide a shortcut to the 

"pleasure of art" 

for my visitors

right here

in the course of this project

! independently of any state of digestion !

 !! : "Formalism" - "Colors" - "Materials" : !!  


remark  though 

       about the  quoted - interlinked critic         


far the most influential US-American art critic



very much like 




even more



and I think that it's a bit strange to make a  direct comparison here in the first place  

     since one actually cannot relate to each other people of different times, different traditions and different schools in visual arts 

   (different genres' exponents)    


one cannot directly compare a piano to a cello or to a guitar 

? can one ?


      ??? does this matter ??? 

!!! at the end of such an art critic's day it is all about self-righteousness !!!

(-; right ;-) 

... this being said ...  

in an attempt to repudiate the art critic's view on the controversial subject matter

"genuine art



: I'd :
: like to put it this way :


Picasso in his adult years

Repin is a key to a picture
of something we have no direct access to 

here by

abstraction in terms of appearance


on the contrary by


in terms of what once was


: in other words : 


   guides us on how to - see - the concrete abstract  



offers guidance on how to - experience - the very abstract concrete

!remember the approach of dialectics you'll find throughout the whole virtual art project yet to encounter! 




this is a "Matisse" actually



...   ...

(-; this is (a) "léger" actually ;-) 
(Fernand Léger) 

but never mind - it is a means to an end not - an end in itself

you know

it is





pretty amazing 

... no doubt about that ... 

we could go through now with even further abstracting from what our senses can discern 

? but would that make any sense ?

! I'm afraid it would not ! 

so let's take it the other way round and go from abstract to concrete

 ... or ... 

in line with Clement Greenberg's view on things 

let us do the totally impossible

which means preempting effect to the cause 


see a portrait of the

writer Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin

you can feel the magic in this splendid painting


and what to think about 


...   ...










Clement Greenberg may obviously have had some need

 - more than reason perhaps - 

for making the classification he made

... what strikes me ...

... however if it is regarded ...


why not referring to a contemporary of Ilya Repin

a major representative of the same time and school in visual arts 

(traditionalism, realism) 

the French painter


Adolphe Bouguereau



     ???  is it because unlike Repin  Bouguereau could be perceived as "art for the peasant" by a wide range of people ???  

Cupid and Psyche





 ʕ "kitsch" ?

(-; French kitsch - so to see ;-)


as mentioned already

think this is in the eye of the beholder


never would I go as far as to say Bouguereau is 


(-; German kitsch - so to see ;-)

! but ! 

(-; Dutch kitsch - so to see ;-)

what I personally would regard as kitsch in the most basic sense of the word is the 

work of art by 

      _ in my eyes nothing more than a cheap,  provocative expression aimed for a *******society ******* considering nakedness in general and naked children in particular as a "no go" _

↓ ↓ ↓

Jeff Koons

(-; American kitsch - so to see ;-)


   - in his capacity as an icon within current Western avant-garde art circles -
in my
  - like "beeple" an "art motherfucker" - sorry for not be able to tell you any better - from a personal point of taste -   

                                         like "beeple" - a multi-million earning art motherfucker - of course both are successful motherfuckers and - motherfucking "success" is what counts  - does it not                                             

↓ ↓ ↓


_ aimed as "critique" of a consumer society, probably, and then traded on an art "market" as  profitable article of art _

!!! consume  and investment !!!

unlike with the pig's back side

: : one does not need gloves :: 

! not at all ! 

  the inherent hypocrisy can be grasped with bare hands 



my dear 

you see 

      like art  ? art ?  what art    


from here 

  not everything that "looks" like a duck in fact ... hm ... is a duck
...         ... 

to    there
(-; not everything that comes along as avant-garde in fact ... hm ... is avant-garde ;-)

...         ...

          (-;  "kitsch" at the left - the worldwide oldest cave painting discovered so far (in Indonesia) at least 45,000 years old - "avant-garde" at the right ;-)         


    ...          ...      


! the question that rises !

 ? would such a kind of art be classified as ?



authoritative art critics 



"world of art"

by means of 

definitions - classifications - formulas    


are they - my guess

? completely lost ?

! in such ad hoc !

? definitions - classifications - formulas ?


? Have you ever noticed ?

  !! my dear !!

!!! the poorer the "pic" the more effusive - sheer exuberant - the reference  to "form" and "colour" !!! 

"? why it is so hard to spot a ?"

... one more thing ...

further above I mentioned my capacity as a layman in visual art and conceptual art 


: in my lay capacity here I'd like to present you :

! an example of  the !

"highest of feelings"

in terms of traditional visual art

? kitsch ?
! of course  kitsch !

 (but awesome kitsch)

 assemble by Sandro Botticelli
: titled:
"The Birth of Venus" 


- contrarian -

two examples of the 

"highest of feelings"

in terms of conventional conceptual art

? genuine art ?
! of course  ingenuity in art !

(but awkward ingeniousness)

installation by the Godfather of conceptual art
Marcel Duchamp

: titled :

"The Fountain" 

(:- expression of art notably not !!! necesarrily !!! an installation by me titled -:)   


↓ ↓ ↓

"Foutain the Fountain"

installation by an unknown contemporary concept artist

: titled :

"The Blue Hour"

Bunga                      Bunga


... if you recognize cynicism in my thoughts and examples ...

! just can't help it !

 (;- so pretty hour blue - blue hour pretty so ;-)

you know

almost feel sorry for that routine 

! must be my German lack of humor !



:  just in case you have not seen this yet :

"The Fountain" is fake real 

"The Blue Hour" is real fake

... yet ...
installation by an unknown contemporary concept artist

: titled :

"(P)oops  it did it again"

↓ ↓ ↓

 !!! holy - shit - really - pissed - off !!!

!! he who screws off an art museum's sanitary facilities and assigns them to the exhibition space does not need to be surprised by the faecal language of the visitor !!

... probably the most valuable urinal (pissoir) in a world ...

                                                   ↓ ↓ ↓

.. considering the immense value for  ..

: art collectors' :

.. a world in which ..  

valuation as such (rating  in our contemporary language)  is most valuable

