Do   mirrors   lie?



...       ...












↓ ↓ ↓

  ◐ the mirror is fooling you ◑



viewer of the image not the subject looking into the mirror      

 » venus effect «  

   ... never mind                    ...     ...                     just a detail ...  


psychology of perception




what the current magic bubble is about


! remember !


when you were young !

dealing with what's called 




Dorian Gray Syndrom



















  ... can be very confrontational - confrontational very be it can ...





  (oh my God  : see what the hell happens to material girls : unbelievable)

  !!! becoming eternally - dematerialized - ergo zombinized !!!   


... indeed it can ... can it indeed ...

b... u...t  

                                  ________________________________________ (material girls in a certain advanced  state of dematerialization rather zombification')________________________________________                        

: there is something beyond the phenomenon concealed from the public eye :   

! dissatisfaction    with yourself ... yourself really    dissatisfied  with !

(-; (-;  I can't get no satisfaction ... I ... can't get no sincere reaction ;-) ;-)  

Shine on you crazy diamond

 a song written by  Roger Waters in dedication to 

   Syd Barrett 

      his friend and fellow band-colleague 


        likewise to John Lennon's role within the Beatles as a band  


    was a kind of  hart and soul of the 

Early Pink Floyd


                forced to leave the band at the brink of ... big success big ... in 1968 due to a drug-induced mental illness    

     unfolding in ... ... the public eye 

  "now there is a look in your eyes like black wholes in the sky" 

? who still remembers his name ? 
! me ! I ! do !   

! very well I do - do I !    

... give you an idea of his lyrical and musical potential ...   

close  your eyes

to the    

octopus ride